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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. I like that Phil munga , looks to be a great vehicle , have any more on it ? photo's video ? specs. Did they make a cab for them ?
  2. We had our first measurable snow fall here back on October 10-10-09 2"
  3. This is what I woke to 12-9-09 or for over there 9-12-09 along with 30-45mph winds. The temps have been -8 to 20 f since .
  4. I m surprised with the housing development there , that its still on the beach , I d have thought someone would have complained that it was spoiling their view/home value and would have campaigned to have it removed ?
  5. Thats something else on that colourising. one would think it was originally a color photo!
  6. The only other places I can think of would have involved either extending the chassis or shortening the rear body and putting the tire behind the seats on edge like they mounted it on the Jimmy 352's. Is there enough room on the rear body to have mounted it on the side like the Ambulance of course the amount of steel and redesign to do it differently would be more than mounting it when they ultimately did . They carried the idea over on the M37 with the spare mounted on the drivers door but at least then it was on a separate hinged bracket.
  7. looks like a good L-o-n-g read will be doing it in installments , Thanks for posting.
  8. :bow::bow::bow: I watch and learn with each installment as your project advances. I could never dream of telling you how to do anything better since I have no idea how to do that kind of work in the first place. Looking forward to seeing and hearing the Dennis run and move when that day arrives in the not to distant future.
  9. That is some bridge building even in piece time let alone under war time !
  10. Hope it was a very HAPPY birthday day and party !
  11. Attractive Vehicle , Seems it would have done much better off road if it had been made a 6x6 and not just a 6x4 .
  12. ahh the secrets of the movie industry are revealed !!! Hope they dont come knocking at your door! :nono: :nono: :shocking:
  13. Works in progress are a learning tool all in them selves so dont hold back until its done !
  14. Must have just about given the poor man a heart attack when that shaft tore apart the interior !:eek: :shake: :shake: :shocked:
  15. Quite a machine to watch going over difficult muddy or snow covered terrain . Number of clips on youtube and a few still's have been posted here . It would be interesting to have a video tour inside and out of this marvelous machine .
  16. Thanks for posting the photo's here , bit of time traveling isnt it .
  17. This is the text posted with the clip on youtube It is a Fw190-A5. Pilot is still listed as MISSING. "Fw190 A5 White A of 4./JG54 This Focke-wulf 190 was manufactured in April 1943, originally as an A-5 variant and supplied with the full work number 0151227 by the parent factory of Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH at Bremen. THE LOSS OF FW190 A5 W.Nr 1227. On Monday 19th July 1943 Fw190 A-5 W.Nr 1227 'White A' went on a mission carrying a SC250 (550Ib) bomb. Taking off from Siwerskaja, on what was probably a hot summer day, 'White A' headed for the Front line which was only fifteen or so minutes flight time away. Crossing the front line over the Dvina River, the Fw190, flying with another crossed it and headed East. Whilst behind enemy lines, in an area called Voibakala, the 'Rotte' attacked an armoured train and reportedly suffered damage from flak. The loss report indicates the Fw190 crash landed due to this damage, although none was located on the airframe. It Fw190 suffered a catastrophic failure of the BMW801, caused by a rag -sabotage is suspected as it was a new engine was fitted a few days before. The Fw190 was recorded as being 100% lost in the map reference co-ordinates of Pl.Qu.20124. This grid system based on 1:200,000 maps was used to identify crash sites, possibly for salvage, recovery of missing pilots or as the best way of identifying an area consisting of unpronounceable Russian towns, villages and large areas of forests and lakes. The more numbers the Pl.Qu. reference gives, the smaller the area of the location. A key to this 'code', would help identify literally dozens of possible recoveries within Russia!! The pilot Feldwebel Paul Rätz survived the crash landed behind enemy lines. He removed his leather flying helmet and retrieved the first air kit from the rear fuselage and is thought to have headed West back to the front line only a dozen or so miles from the crash site. He was undoubtedly captured by the Russians and interned although the Luftwaffe loss report still class him as 'Vermißt' (missing) in action.
  18. clip of 1935 U.S.Army and Chevrolet factory making vehicles for the CCC thats Civilian Conservation Corps. Nice shot of Truck with additional traction kit Something went wrong...
  19. Aircraft was found in 1989 recovered in 1991 an example of what is/was hiding waiting to be re-discovered. Something went wrong...
  20. Ah I see this was the half off parking special !
  21. great for a practical joke at a gas station , distract the attendant and then pull it into the pumps , hilarious as they look about for the truck that must have dropped the bin in the wrong place .
  22. No No no , you were no being cryptic at all . I did not know there was a make of truck called a "Light Aviation" I thought it a category of truck. On the subject of WWI American trucks I came across these makes White,Sampson,FWD,Kelly Springfield,Mack,Kato,Packard,Graham not sure if both of these were American mfgs or imported Saurer and Velie. Definitely an area that could do with more exploration .
  23. What are the arguments for stopping the imports of Military Vehicles? I d think they the Government if anything would be in favor of such things as it will generate tax revenues etc for them ? :cool2: Or is it along the lines they are afraid if too many Vehicles are imported it will sink the Islands?:rofl::rofl:
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