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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. I hope you will do more and test your theory . Should produce some striking images.
  2. :readbook::thanx:Missed the answer being given Thought it was a clue
  3. Those might be very interesting to see would you post a example ? Perhaps something to try at future events for tribute effect?
  4. There's a Profile? I know of many the different ones flat, round, rasp but Profile is a new one .....Ohhhh not that type of file mmmm pull up a seat and join in as you like Welcome Sanguin , if you had to have a stroke happen at least you were at the best possible place to have it happen .
  5. I thought the running gear looked the same , Knowing Hollywood I discounted the upper body as that would have been made of plywood or sheet metal and easily changed , it just needs to LOOK good . I had no luck finding anything further on the "tanks" in The Fighting Seabees perhaps someone else will find the information , I had a memory of some link of that mystery tank to a earlier Laurel and Harty film , again I m ready to be corrected .
  6. Interesting site ,found a nice photo of a wooden WWII steering wheel in an old chevy a pair of Sentinel trucks a Matador and several others . Thanks for posting , I d never have thought I find advertizing for Jeep FC's in India of all places .
  7. I wonder how many other items may have been locked and safely stored away by other similar minded Military personal .Perhaps this is why things pop up decades later still in the wrapper . Not entirely a bad thing as its finds like those that everyone in this hobby loves to discover.
  8. OK? how did this happen , I see the hook and chain going between the now 1/2 load of charcol and the power line . Whats the rest of the story ????
  9. Question is it really camo ? or post impact debris since now the nose/grill is facing the ceiling that's not the normal orientation as far as I recall for a rigid chassie vehicle. Had the rear axle first shown had a tie down bracket bolted to it I would not have hesitated on the id.
  10. another shot of that marmon harrington tank , I know there is a answer somewhere as the question has come up before but I dont recall any of the facts . I d have guessed it was based on a Cleterac ? pardon the spelling . I ll keep looking http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_235302.html
  11. Ok that makes sense forgot about the three minutes supply volume
  12. How far do they mount the fuel tank from the cab and engine that it takes 200 strokes?? or is the primer pump really really tiny ?
  13. Never saw a comic with a format like that over here .
  14. Well the grill is from an m715 I believe
  15. Under insured as well . You never know what will happen but having enough coverage is so important .
  16. My thoughts exactly , It must get a lots of startled people when its a float !!! Absolutely brilliant
  17. Those are the worst sorts of repairs, You really like to find the fault with it , when you can't and it starts working again ..........you just never are sure if it will act up again or not! Been there a few times , Hate hate hate that .
  18. What was the cause of the fan pulley to keep over tightening?
  19. thanks for sharing , Interesting touch about the morse code windows.
  20. I had a run in with the housing inspector in the previous home I had , I had let the registration and insurance expire since the GMC was no long being driven . They sent a letter say if the vehicle wasn't registered or removed in 30 days they would take legal action , Seems they thought I d simple move the vehicle to a different location , I on the other hand just went and re-registered and insured it since they had given me that choice in the first letter .After several months of letters back and forth I had to appear at Court for a hearing with a court clerk to see if the matter needed to be heard before a Judge , Town lawyer presented his case calling it a Commercial vehicle , unregistered and uninsured , that the plates on it were invalid . I got my say and showed it was registered and insured as a Antique Vehicle and had never been a commercial vehicle . The Clerk asked if there were any other Vehicles on the property and then dismissed the case. The Town Lawyer was very embarrassed , The Housing Inspector as later fired for charges of fraud and misuse of town money in an unrelated case.
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