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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. As long as it does the job, looks can be second . I know that price is very important as well . If others talk trash about it , let them buy you a proper canvas !
  2. Might have been more ominous had it been 666 !
  3. Yes please post the video , always interested in the sights and sounds combined together.
  4. Very interesting , something I never would have known about had it not been posted here !
  5. Wonderful photo's .... Their your vehicles you earner the right to play with them as you want , As you said the Vets enjoyed it and isn't that the point of all the long hours or stress and strain to get to Normandy and let them run on the beach just a little bit !
  6. Both Neil and Lee will be the "GO TO" people on any future Stalwart Problems other forum member owners may have , as there does not seem to be much in the Vehicle they have not touched or explored . It is very good news that you have been able to find the spares/ replacements needed and the work is proceeding as well as can be expected. From the results so far on the brake system I m thinking you will need a couple of gallons of fluid to purge all the piping before you start to re-install all the components removed so far ?
  7. :thanx: lots of good information there . Will see what the other more daring members think of the Indian dishes as an alternative to bacon sarnies and or eggs for breakfast .
  8. One of a number of video's on youtube of CUCV's Something went wrong...
  9. Making steady progress . One side at a time . Hope the other side frees up as well without having to go into complete disassemble of the other walking beam.
  10. All military vehicles are of interest , I know things like military base vehicles are being saved and restored by collectors including fire trucks, ambulances , staff cars , buses and CUCV's . I d say go for it , get and save it . while common now they will be rarer and more expensive in the future. Besides they have reliable drive trains parts are plentiful and they travel at modern highway speeds .
  11. I wonder if after that little accident :rofl::rofl: :n00b: they had some work done to change the outside vent location :-D:-D
  12. Where was his family located that he sent these papers to ? What was Sargent Kane's fate ?
  13. Lots of hard work I m sure , it will all be worth it when its completed !
  14. :thanx: I ll be sure to read what ever you find .
  15. Good grief !! looks like pudding , part crud , part oil , part brake fluid , part water !
  16. Welcome to the Friendliest Forum on the net . One of these nights there will need to be a international cook off too see what really interesting dishes can be created , many times there have been comments about Curry's surely there are other dishes from India worth a mention .
  17. How complete is the kit on the GG ? You say none were used in the military ? I would like to know more about them , who used them , how they were equipped .
  18. Welcome cj3b Chocolate and watches are good barter items for just about anything on this forum , just as long as you keep the Coo-coo clocks locked away .
  19. I think the idea of leaving minimal fuel on board is the best ......Is there anything you could stencil on the tank that would put off any of those types of thieves ? Bio-diesel ? industrial solvent ? use only stale fuel ? something that if they were in a hurry would skip rather that check or test ?
  20. Do I detect some spanner envy? I think with spanners that size steel toe boots are a requirement !
  21. Perhaps he tried to impersonate an high ranking officer, General ?
  22. Agreed on all your points . The final one was what I was aiming for in my earlier post about a learning curve.
  23. Welcome to the Friendliest Forum on the net . Oner of the senior members will bealong shortly to sort out your chores and duties that are required as a newly join member to be done until the next new member joins . Once those details are complete along with previous mentioned custard creams and the correct number of KitKat bars are given to certian unnamed members you may advance to the club bar room for a small glass of you favorite brew . On another note very nice looking Jeep please to make sure you dont block those members in the club house parking lot who have Larger vehicles......tanks , armoured cars GMC's and Hippo's to name but a few as they tend to use Jeeps as tire chocks .
  24. A big learning curve , you will be an expert on the Stalwart brake system by the time your finished .
  25. I m sure he had a wonderful time at the get together one last time , if there had to be an end better after than just before .
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