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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Yes, and despite wagging paper and clearly pointing out the Proof House De- Activation marks on the guns- The ONLY thing that is legal- The peaperwork is just that a bit of paper the ------------------ still muttered 'Guidlines' and sized them! Took 6 weeks solictors and the local MP to get my pices of metal back. This situation was after my home had ben brocken into and I'd been attacked! And the De Acs were hidden in place not easily seen so they must have SEARCHED to find them! Actual crime investigation.....ALL! You have to know the law better than the Police and be prepared to fight for YOUR rights under Law. Oh whilist all this was going on, I was in hospital being treated for injuries sustsained during the attack.
  2. I was always told, keep tank full, especially in winter. Back in day when you had to put petrol or parrifin in to prevent waxing, or have two jerry cans in the muck heap overnight to keep them warm during winter Though on one memeorable occasion a bottle of cheap gin wemt in, it actually worked! . . 😀
  3. I have a WC51 and a WC54. Milage per gallon I'd guess is about right Both of mine were in Norway, thougfh the 54 was rebuilt in Germany post war. There are a couple of variations on the WC51, the earlier ones have no gap between the front of the body and the spare wheel for instance. The vehicles stayed in service for a long time and many were refurbished so non matching numbers are quite common.
  4. I live up a sloped cul de sac. Coming home one day there was a Proffesional Mobile Mechanic working on a vehicle. It was parked with two wheels on the kerb, and a single trolley jcak under the other side in the middle of the vehicle at full height! Some people must practice for hours, no one can be born that stupid!
  5. A man with the best of tatste! Do you really need a winch? Extra bits and complications. Good side of the Dodges, easy to maitain in most cases, nice to drive, room for kit, and useful moving larger items about, washing machines, freezers, bricks etc. You can sleep in the back. Relitivley economic on fuel, get a 12 volt version, the 6 volt are OK but can be a bit of drag on stupid things like light bulbs. Downsides the brakes do need to be adjusted corecttly! Which can be a fiddlesome job, but when set they do work. No doors, can be fun in the rain. The Dodge Dump. For some reason and it must be some form of weird US joke, the front canvas goes over the top of the rear canvas, which if not supported gets puddles forming. Not a problem till you come to an imprssive stop in front of admiring crowds, and the bloody water dosen't stop! Under the front canvas with high accuracy into your lap.
  6. You could have gone down the Airfix route you know. 😁
  7. Breathable caravan cover is ideal.But beware of any cover freezing to the vehilce in winter.
  8. I have a loathing of hearses. It is actually in my will that I want to be taken either in the back of a Dodge or a LWB Land Rover.
  9. On modern vehicles the glass is required to be kite marked and /or CE approved as it is many cases a structural piece. On the the MW it just keeps some of the flys off. What I have done in the past for my Dodges and the 101 is go to my local glass shop, though I'm lucky at my local place the guys are also into classuc cars, and they cut me a stock piece of of 6 mm laminated glass.
  10. It lives! Fantastic work, but to quote the old adage 'Don't spoil ship for 'aporth of tar'. Easier to sort out problems at home than on the road.
  11. The kicker is! What would an original mint condition be worth? Thin of all the original Action Men, and I mean ORIGINAL and Jhonny Seven one man armies we happily blew up burnt and broke on our childhood journeys into the Military Collecting World? JJeez If I knew then!
  12. For those of us of a dim dispotion. Would you describe the annealing process?
  13. And the %$^********ing weather for today is! Nature always has a sense of humour. Best of luck, we all await result,
  14. Put them back into use. You know you want to! Architectural Salvage.
  15. I have always been advised never to use Silicon fluid in my Dodges. There was discussion at the time wether this was relevant. . You seem to have answered the question.
  16. Landrover series 3 LWB petrol ex military 24 Volt converted to altetnator. MOT until Jan 2019. New wheel cylinders and seats. Good chassis bulkhead and tyred. Good runner ready to go. £4,500 ono call Darren 07958 783408
  17. Says the man who has all the bits for his PM sent.
  18. The man's mad, MAD I SAY! He can see buses all day long, then goes to a show to look at them?
  19. Radio vehicles didn't have to be closed. The length of an ariel is a ratio of the frequency used. normaly 1/4 , 1/2 or full length. So for some frequencys that can end up very long, hence you would string them around the poles on the top of the vehicles. Look at the pole on the back of the vehicle on the right, looks like an insulator with cable strung from it. Do you know what the wheeled beastie is?
  20. What is the Patent number on the tool? It may take some tracking down but that will tell you what it for.
  21. As for Detling, someone had to keep the money making wheels turning. On the up side! There are a load of blocks by the Milly for you, if you want more let me know.
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