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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. No it wasn't a 25 pounder. There were two 5.5 guns on disply at the time, though now you mention it it may have been a 3.7 AA or something similar. This is twenty five years ago or so now. (Hell! Where does the time go?) At that time Tilbury was a place that welcomed MV's and WW2 shows.
  2. Nice, a Radio Interceptor vehicle ? Just looked up translation is Fahrschule really driving school?
  3. Yes there was a splash board type arrangment. The ones in Jersey that soldiered on for many years from West Park to Elizabeth Castle had the fronts altered at one stage to a V shaped bow. They ran because the access to the Castle is tidal so wheels at low tide amphibious at high. They only ran a few hundred yards in sheltered water but even so it was considered that the bows should be altered for saftey. I'm talking some fifty five years ago now (God, this growing old isn't all it's cracked up to be)
  4. Ferg, if a company treats it's customer's the way the organisers at WPR do they deserve to go out of buisness. My Compoany boss' attitude is 'Be nice to people, because bums on seat pay wages, and being nice does make life so much easier for everyone'. WPR would benift from such a change of attitude. John you are so right. The little words from the organisers , So nice to see you thanks for coming, costs nothing but is th eoil that makes the show go well.
  5. There is reprint available, I have one somewhere. I think it came from the RLC musuem. Amazon have the British Army Cokbook 1914 on thier site.
  6. Back in the days when Tilbury Fort was a good place for MV's they had a couple of 5.5 inch guns. For a pound or two you could fire the gun. This consisted of a shell casing bored out to take a 12 bore alarm blank loaded in the primer pocket. The grin on my son's face, he was about 5 at the time is something I won't forget. Made a very satifacroty bang.
  7. Yes I heard the bit about canopies on the BBC. The real problem is that the vehicles, and they are not boats, are being used for a purpose that they were never intended for. DUKWs have shown that they can survive rough water, but that is when they were new and well maintained. Time the old girls were retired.
  8. About time they were reminded, We don't turn up all you have is an empty feild. I won't go as I refuse to pay money to park MY vehicle, at MY Expense so the organisers can charge the public to come and see it!
  9. Tony B


    By chance, mainly because there was a drum of it sitting at the yard and I needed something oily, I poured a mixture of burnt gear oil and disel into a stuck engine, Cleared it very rapidly, a couple of days, as a benifit it also took the rust off. Don't know why, but no old gear oil now goes to waste. By the way, don't Aussies have a tendency to soak anything rusty in Mollases?
  10. The point is the man is himself. He's got were he is because he has done it, and has the humility to say that he couldn't have achived his goals without the help of others. What's to dislike about him? As John says , he goes his own way.
  11. He just gets on and does things, not to impress just because he wants to. I like the bloke.
  12. Oh Good! We need the rain! 😀
  13. BMC made a 2.2 and a 2.5. I had a 2.5 with a cracked head and a 2.2 with a cracked block. No one told me I couldn't put the 2.2 head on the 2.5 block, so I did and it worked. They are a bit low revving but in my opinion superior to the Landy Disiels of the time. Problem with them is getting a vacum to the servo. I eventually bought an old Isuzu alternator with the vacum pump on the back and fitted a T pice to the bottom of the dip stick as an oil return, I think I took a T pice of the oil pressure gauge s the supply. Right lash up with the engine married to Series thre egear box which had a Series 2a front end on it. Again no one told me I couldn't so I fiddled bits till the worked.
  14. Thought just occured. Could the extra charge be to pay for the Gaurds needed to keep the Hoy Poly and other MOP's out of the Hallowed Ground? Will you have to presnt the equivalent of an Amex Gold card to use such facilities? (And yes I'm taking the P***, Can't afford to leave it there)
  15. Well Gentleman. You can say the organisers are extracting the urine . Futher more they are excpecting you to pay good money for the privilige.
  16. Done the checks, same part as the SMLE, logical I suppose, so easy enough to get. Thanks.
  17. Check Gordon's Dodge forum. there is a list of chassis numbers against manufacture dates. Bear in mind after 70 years of working everyone is a bitza. My two the chassis are February and October 1944, but after 70 years of rebuilds and refurbs who knows? The WC54 Katy was rebuilt in Germany in 1952 and the WC51 RubyBaby has a Norwegian Dynamo dated 1961.
  18. Anyone have the rear swing swivel and plate for an Enfeild P14 rifle? Also looking for some striper clips for the beast.
  19. Uprated brakes, so much safer to drive. Especially with the Mobile Muppets you get now a days. Head in mobile brain in neuteral. Wise move. What's with the vacum pump? Would be a very useful gadget on my Katy's wipers.
  20. Enjoy! Current weather is record breacking heat wave.
  21. Seconded! Change the lot there is a flexi hose at the back axle, one from under rad to front axle and one each to wheel cylindrer at front. . Change the lot! Do you have manual for brake adjustment procedure? It does need to be done by the book.
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