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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Rob I do know of a very good machine shop on the Gaza Estate at Weald villiage.
  2. Get a 51 the winch is added weight inconveience for what you need. Don't only think of the coast, the whole of Calvados is full of intresting places. If you can make sure your Dodge has electric not vacum wipers. The drawback is no doors so can get draughty and a bit miserable in the rain. A 12 voilt rather than six for ease of little things like bulbs and sat nav and mobile charging.
  3. Have you tried pressure /vacum bleeding the system to make sure there is no air trapped?
  4. Not as new an idea as people are inclined to think then. Thanks
  5. There is also mention of Steam Tractors used in the 1899/1902, South African Boer ar as prime movers for supplies, were these Fowler Engines?
  6. I used 9x16 tyres that had come off a truck for mine. Not original but they are rubber on the road.
  7. My spelling! Thanks Richard, hadn't even thought of a dry sump. Phil, if the sump is dropped I'll make a point of finding out what is found.
  8. Yes Richard it does! And it has been changed recently. I'md love to know why the dipstiuck is still reading whilst the sump is empty. It's a Seatara coch if that's any help. Not a vehicle that has anything to do with me, fortuantley, just we share a yard and I know the guys.
  9. Next task will be drop sump and see what's up there. Fortunatley I don't have the manual part. It's just such a weird occurence, there is no blockage in the dip stick hole, fed a wire down to check that, sump plug is out but still a lot on the stick. There are five oil filters in the system, but doubt they couuld hold so much oil.
  10. That was the first thought for the symptoms, but what is really puzzling thing is where has all the oil gone? If it had got into the cylinders surley the engine wouldn't turn over because of compression. There's about 20 odd litres of it still unacounted for but the dip stick says it is still in there. 🤥
  11. Don't only think fuel. The couple of times mine has done this to me turned out a loose conection to the turn switch for the ignition.
  12. Help! This one is actually on a coach engine, but it has us all head banging, so any suggestions gratfully recived. Symptoms Last night coach overheated, no loss of power and got back to yard. Today, check of engine oil dipstick showed it over full, cooling system full of yellow fudge and coolant black. Drain and flush cooling system till water came out clean Check dipstick showing over full . Sump capacity 35 litres. Take out sump plug, about ten litres at most comes out. Dipstick still showing over half full? At one stage the engine was run over, nothing out the sump, engine running fine. So what the flying blue blazes is going on?
  13. The guy in the photo is breacking Rule One , Chapter One Page One, NEVER step over or stand astride the line.
  14. Try studying some basic physics first.
  15. An AC current generates a magnetic field across the wire that opposes the flow of current, known as induction. DC does not. Yes any alternating current will flow through Skin Effect, the picture I was told was AC think of a swirling jet of water, it will cling to the sides of the pipe and leave a hole in the middle. DC is a smooth steady flow so can fill all the pipe. Probably better descriptions out there, but it works for me.
  16. Tony B


    Its the age mate. I knew there was an adjuster, just couldn't remember how it was set up.
  17. Tony B


    A while since I worked on a QL, but have you tried relasing the snail cam adjuster, sucking eggs I know but sometimes it's the stupid thigs. The other thing I'm almost certain there is a second release spring on the rod to the rear brakes. May just need an extra bit of pull.
  18. Basic rule AC runs ON a wire, so surface area is important, DC runs IN a wire so diamieter is important. So whatever gauge you use for 12 volt, double it for 6.as you have half the pressure, yes I know not correct term but, driving the electrons along so need twice the amount . Watts = Volts X Amps
  19. Bit off topic, but a wonderful story that when the US were testing thier first jets, the test pilot used to wear a gorrila mask, a bowler hat and smoke a cigar, so that if any traniee pilots from the local air station reported a plane with no propeller, piloted by a Gorilla , wearing a Bowler hat and smoking a cigar. The chances are they wouldn't be belived? 🍌👀
  20. I happen to frequent a place were DVSA come regularly. As there are only at most two of my company's vehicles there at on any day, One of us gets picked on. One vehcle had four checks in two weeks, about a week after it had it's plate teast. In six months the same vehicle, with me driving had eight seperate roadside checks, all at the same location. You cannot make it up!
  21. I've neevr had problems with a 6 volt WC54, just keep connections clean and use heavy gauge cables.
  22. Front gas ejecting blank firers are now illegal. The barrel must be stopped and gas eject out the top. Exception is a Dummy Launcher used in gun dog training and trials. They have a spigot inside that the dummy fits over, and gas dischrges out of the front of the spigot. Norbo: That is why Webley describe thier Mk VI revolver copy as an Air Gun, even though it only fires plastic BB, all in the name, as Airsoft you need a card as Air Gun, over 16 with cash.
  23. If you are part of a organised event then no problems. Outside the showground if it is a notified event, such as a parade agin no problem. Otherwise, keep stuff covered to and from events, I alwas treat de acs as live in that case. They travel in a locked box in the back of the vehicle. Theatrical and Military/living history events are speciffically excluded in a lot of legislation. If you have obvious vehicle mounted weapons cover them on the road, cover any blue lights or other official isignia. Although I don't cover the Red Crosses on Katy as she is obviously a historic vehicles, though to be sure you can display prominent signs Historic Vehicle in Preservation. The 101 was easier, I just closed the flaps.
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