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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I agree with Teltech. The Oddesey type batteries are more expensive initially but so much more reliable. I bought one must be about five years back for my Discovery 200tdi that I'd fitted a winch to. It got used on various vehicles since, then due to leaving lights on went totally flat, taken off and forgotten about for a year or so. Then a few months back I decided to recharge it. Charger wouldn't start so I conned it by parralelling a god battery and the Oddesey charged. It is now sitting on a old Discovery 300tdi that I'm modifing with winch and other toys for Winter use.The vehicle gets started perhaps once a week for half hour or so at the moment. Battery keeps full charge and starts the Disco every time.
  2. Thanks for that, makes a lot of sense
  3. Tony B

    New Format

    So where is the Condense button? Dammed if I can find it.
  4. The liquid is normally alcahol. There are a number of you tube vidios and various web sites on re filling compasses. The liqiud is avaialable, you may even find a refilling service. Do a search the amount of results will suprise you.
  5. Yeah, don't I know! No, this one is on the Discovery plain 12 volt. My 6 volt Katy has double cables on both sides , just to make sure. I'm going to order some of the battery caps. Like Mar's bars, battery posts seemed bigger when I were lad.
  6. Could well be only happens ocasionaly, bloody annoying. Andy, I changed the positive clip myself, try and get a two cable clamp. ended up have to get one on line. The negative clip is original. Mike, no , new one on me, what is the stuff? AHAA! Thanks Andy, just looked on e bay. That was the sort of thing I was looking for. Renault used to have them on all there vehicles with a screw on top for the connection.
  7. The negative is the one giving problems. Unfortunatley it is also clamped on to the main cable with no slack to cut and replace.
  8. Yes, they are the correct clamps , battery etc. Trouble is the Correct Clamps are the new cone shaped clamp ones. They just dont seem to hold on the posts.
  9. The other key word here is MUD! I had problems with one doing this that had been used in off road trailling . So much dirt had built up and set solid that the whole thing was jammed solid, a good long jet wash cured the problem.
  10. Tony B

    New Format

    It will work Joris, and we all do appreciate what you, Jack and the other moderators do. The forum is an invaluable asset for anyone, anywhere with an interest in military vehicles, and wider aspects of military history. The free disscusion encouraged here is a bit of a two edged sword for you though, people do feel comfortable enough here to have the odd grumble. Your work is not in vain (Besides, whilst were grumbling here, we are leaving some other poor sod alone who can't cope with it)
  11. I am being plauged by battery clamps working loose. So far I've tried things like pusing aluminium cake base into the gap, and bits of bean tin. Can anyone suggest a reliable method of solving this?
  12. We aren't critising any of you Joris. Just asking if a change could be made.
  13. Welcome in. Yes, I agree about the brakes, as I'm fond of quoting my old Mentor Howard, 'A bugger if they don't go, a disaster if they don't stop'. You should get some help once we can all figure our way around this new fangled site. First thing with air brakes, espicially if they have been standing, pump them up and purge the tanks to clear any accumleted water and gunk.
  14. Tony B

    Welcome back!

    I notice Joris still isn't revaling the location of the Dancing girls! Nice to se it all back though.
  15. My ex had a horse that was giving her problems. I loved the horse so much I married the owner to keep it! (Absolutley True!)
  16. There is always one with the head inserted from underneath and behind. Best of luck.
  17. What do you mean not barking mad? Surely that is a pre requisite to owning any military vehicle? Any pictures of the nautical things by the way. Welcome in.
  18. Thank you Sir! Now may well plan a trip up there. Radio recirver would probably be an HRO or Hellicaster. No transmissions were done from these units for security reasons,
  19. Ahh! What are you using should be Dot 4
  20. A lot of the old cardboard cells when split apart turned out to be two or more standard carbon zinc cells wired together. Often quite easy to fit a modern plastic battery box.
  21. What ever make syou consider they came out of the factory 100% accurate? Nice to see such a beautiful restoration,
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