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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. That would depend on what needs doing to get it back. How much is the asking price, and can you do the work? May be worth more in parts than a solid vehicle.
  2. So does it have, -uprated brakes to deal with more power, improved steering and suspension? Not to mention than any insurance company would require you to mention modifications such as that, and possibly an engieners report?
  3. Guidance: In legal paralence =We are making up as we go along. Having had a run in with 'Guidance' over de acs a couple of years ago as you all know. Be wery wery wary
  4. Today whilst at work. Going past the house of an avid Landy collector. He has a new 109 series 3 . That looks kind of familiar. So I stopped to ask him 'Is that by any chance an Artic FFR? Yes he reply's how did you know it was an Artic one? Well, easy really I owned it for short time 15 years ago! Sold it to fund my 101 ambulance, that is now in Denmark.
  5. Guy Martin, and Chris Barrie share one thing in common. The pure joy they display when playing with mechanical toys of whatever sort. Certain other TV Mechanical Experts, seem so far up themselves that if anyone says 'There is a diffrent way' all the toys go out of the pram! I'll take Guy Martin anytime.
  6. Nikwax do a good suede waterproffer.
  7. That was the C47 military version. The Civillian DC3 only had a single door. (To much time working on Intra Airways aircraft in my youth)
  8. Quikest way to age and stain Suede. Rub with a cloth soacked in vegtable oil, be warned though, irreversable. But as already mentioned. If something got torn or worn out, you went to stores and got it replaced , rather than be bawled out by the CSM as scruffy looking sod. As the old Stores man saying goes. 'If it fits, bring it back and we'll change it'.
  9. The aircraft in Airline was an ex BEA Pionair. I worked with BA guys at the time who got most upset if you called it a Dakota. http://www.aviationartcards.com/html/bea_pionair_leopard_-c008-.html
  10. Fine, but when the test track is the public road? Anyway off topic so I'll shut up.
  11. Hum, trouble what happens when it all goes wrong? Anyone seen the vidio on Youtube of a London bus push stating a SUV through the traffic lights? Rumour has it that the Hybrids, are having trouble with uncontollable power surges, and as the brakes are all electronic they decide to go into recycle mode and don't work. Noting the driver can do about it.
  12. Welcome we need more Dodge owners, you can never have enough Dodges.
  13. What he's asking is around the price I'd expect a Dodge Ambulance to go for . They do carry a premium. A WC51 Weapons carrier would be cheaper.
  14. So vehicle gets to end of mats and stops, not over then pulls behind like sand ladders? Intrested as they look like could be useful on tractors and some agricultural kit.
  15. Got it! Mind you would still make a good ground anchor for a winch. So was the technique to chain the anchor to the rear of the vehilce and pull it along after the vehicle was clear?
  16. Surveyor, the ground anchor for a winch is knocked in at about a 45 degree angle. The eye bar is held in by the tension of the winch line. The two holes are probably to put bars in to get the thing out again afterwards. Big they may be, but for winching , you can never have a ground anchor to big!
  17. Looking at the top it reminds me of a burner, and the cover. Maybe some sort of bulk tank pipeline sampler or vent valve?
  18. I agree with David, I have seen something similar on pumps.
  19. You can get New Zealand Rug (Canvas) preserver from a Saddler. I use Nikwax, not cheap but once on forget. Water based and easy to apply. http://www.nikwax.com/en-gb/
  20. Any idea of what they are made off? Width of the apature etc. About 2 foot 9 inch in proper measurment. That's a fairly substantial bit of kit.
  21. SRS faults lights on both P38 and the Disco are a pain in the rear. There is a tendency for them to come on if you alter the passenger front seat . Unplug yellow wire under seat count about thirty and re connect, that will often clear the light. There is reams about it on the various Landy forums.
  22. Try some 50/50 Liquid paraffin White soft Paraffin ointment from the chemist. I'm finding very useful for softening all sorts of stuff like rubber and leather , including skin!
  23. I'm off to my usual supplier of Landy parts for some bits tommorow, by good luck they also do LPG conversions, and are into MV's and know I'm nuts. A winning combination!
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