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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. No it is the Worst Possible Scenario. Suppose that bearing had given way throwing fragments outside? You'd also have a load of MOPS with head up personal music, mind in neuteral wandering about, just not on.
  2. Must be tempting to drop some of Exhibits on the local planning office. Preferably those that go bang. Noli illigitimi Carbourandum!
  3. Did you watch the Channel 4 TV last night, The Tank that Guy built? Guy took his H test on a Shielder, so it must be possible to road register. Try contacting those guys.
  4. Sue the quarantine cleanars! Funny enough the Tank that Guy built TV proggramme last night, he took his UK H Tracked test on a Shielder.
  5. I did watch it, very interesting project from the great Techno companies to the Nerd in the backroom. What a marvellous collaberation. Taking it Cambri was the best thing to do. Far more poiniant.
  6. Intresting Richard! The trailer is not mine, it was bought as Military trailer, though with that hitch I do wonder. It is very similar to one Phil and I got a few years back, same hitch , bracking system etc, that has a Morris axle. Just got another picture of the full thing.
  7. Good idea Phil. Just had an odd thought. Years ago I knew a vetenairy anthstist who had patented a portable anathisia machine. He told me the main trouble was the diaphrams that control gas flow were expensive and need replacing every time the machine is used, apparently that is standard practice in any machine of this type. . So he went looking for an economic alternative. His claim was he had found a free supply. He just sent his wife down to the local birth control clinic and got standard Dutch Caps.
  8. Damm! I have actually now got one, my son picked it up for litterlly a couple of quid at a boot sale.
  9. Anyone any suggestions as to what this is? I can tell you it has the short very small hole drawbar. which suggests to me pre WW2
  10. Many thanks for all the replys. I'll mike the thickness tonight and see what I can get.
  11. The pump is of the Godiva pump engine. Thanks Richard.
  12. Thanks Guys. Seems easy enough to get in US, but not over here.
  13. Anyone know where I can get the rubber for a fuel diaphram from? I have just stripped the fuel pump for the fire pump, rebuilt engine 1961. Pump was a bit gunky. The diaphram had gone hard, but by a bit of serendipty I've found the 50/50 liquid paraffin /paraffin wax ointment that I use as emollient actually softened it. Lovley stuff, even if it does come with a warning 'Keep patient and clothing away from naked flame'. Another story. But would benifit from replacement.
  14. Mine for the two Dodges is below your minimum quote. That's with Premium Choice the one advetised on the masthead here, . They do added discount for HMVF members.
  15. It's working Joris. Just a matter of becoming familiar with it, now if I can work my %^&&& Smart phone!
  16. Update on this. Following a year that was total Excrement, including be off ill for a lot of it, but that's another story. The trailer has been cleaned patched and painted. Only serious work was to repair one wheel rim. The construction is massive! All the chassis and running gear is excelent and brakes just needed cleaning up to work fine. Two ex Landy 600.16 tyres scourced and look the part, originals had rotted away. Took it out for a test tow last week, perfect! So decided to fit one the pumps, took two of us, a winch and engine lift, those things are heavy! Then towed it about 60 miles round trip no problem. Work has started on pump, Data plate shows re-con in 1961, 10 thou over size rings and crank bearings. Oil is clean and engine turns smoothly. Next step strip and check carb them magneto. Points and condenser are suspect but we have spares so should be able to build one that works. It is now tucked up ina garge for winter , so at least undercover to work on.
  17. Marvin, Negative, opened gap replaced checked thread clearance, and touching anything wood he can find, no further problems.
  18. Yesterday , Friday at Southfleet, trying to get through the lanes and diversion at Betsham, a delightful under taking belive me. A , J..(Now I can do this) Jeep ! on an A frame behind a Transit van. I was driving the bus behind you, bloody good driving mate!
  19. You mean like the 77 year old bus driver a couple of years back? Why not just put the thing on a low loader?
  20. Larry still so. Internal security is carried out by USAF personnel, external by MODPlod and either MGS or MPGS (Military Provost Guard Service) who were formed to act as armed guards in place of MODPlod. In fact MODPlod HQ , AKA the College of Knowledge is at Wethersfield an ex USAF base. Just thought, one reason for using British supplies is the USAAF didn't pay for them! However, we paid for any and all US supplied equipment.
  21. Portsmouth, obvious for anything Naval, and Marine. Also the nearest port to get to Normandy. Falaise Gap, if only to see who small the crossing is.. This is a useful site. http://www.warmuseums.nl/
  22. The USAAF came over with Dodge WC54 ambulances. However, prior to D-Day they were replaced by Austin K2 on the grounds you didn't really need a 4x4 on an airfeild. If I can get pictures back on the new forum I have a photo of WC54's prior to D-Day, 'Somewhere in England.'
  23. Tony B

    New Format

    I remeber when telephones were stuck to wall by a wire, if you were posh enough to have one, and you had to turn a dial, or even pick the phone up and hear an operator say 'Number, please?' The new forum took a bit of getting used to, but I've no problems now (Yet!) As for self parking cars, they couldn't be worse than some of the manual operated idiots I have to deal with everyday.
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