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Everything posted by andym

  1. Hopefully not to Hirsts scrapyard .... :-( Andy
  2. If you don't want to do it yourself have a chat with http://tekmilitaryseating.co.uk/ who made my Abbot seats look like new. They probably made them in the first place! Andy
  3. Far more effective for crime prevention than ASBOs! Andy
  4. That will be presumably be down to a private contractor once MOD have made their minds up about what they actually want. It's that last bit that's the hardest - see here for the FRES shambles: http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/2014/06/story-fres-introduction/ Andy
  5. Check that the starter relay (in the DLB lid) switches on and off with the starter switch. If it does then the fault must be in the starter itself. Here's the DLB circuit - 12B is the main negative line from the Distribution Panel. Andy
  6. That sounds as though the starter solenoid or starter relay are stuck in the "on" position, especially if it starts without the engine or start switches being pressed. If it's the starter solenoid then it's a pack out job, but check what's happening at DLB 21A as you may be lucky and find it's the starter relay. Andy
  7. Is this the beastie in question? £9k is a bargain if so! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-34537326 Andy
  8. I thought I'd follow this up as I hate threads that just finish in mid-air. I tried knocking the drive screws out from behind but they weren't interested so I carefully took the heads off with a Dremel, luckily with minimal damage to the plate. Now that I had a stub sticking out there wasn't enough to grip but I could knock them back and forth enough to loosen them off and eventually drive them out completely. Once again thanks to all for the helpful suggestions. Andy
  9. There are now at least three Clansman users on the Portsmouth Sunday morning 4m net. Andy (2E0DFR) Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  10. Is it just me, or is there a problem with the video? It keeps cutting out half way through. :-( Andy
  11. Just beware there are a lot of knackered ones around that people have fried with ancient chargers. Don't buy a used Hawker unless you can put it on a battery tester first. Andy
  12. If you've ever tried maintaining a Stolly you might understand why ... :-) Andy
  13. .... or in a crate with some spitfires? Andy
  14. andym


    For those who haven't already seen it, FRES/Scout has finally emerged as Ajax: http://www.shephardmedia.com/news/landwarfareintl/dsei-2015-scout-sv-becomes-ajax/ http://forces.tv/26875935 It's a lot bigger and heavier than a CVRT! Andy
  15. Being devilishly sneaky I've already done that, Robin - it contains a non-return valve with a UNF thread on the other end: The entire assembly was manufactured by Ermeto, who have confirmed the 1/2" UNC thread but they don't know what it's designed to fit either! Andy
  16. Can anyone help identify this fitting, used for charging the Abbot equilibrator with air? It seems to have a 1/2" UNC thread but no-one I've tried has seen anything like it. Andy
  17. Thanks all - some good ideas and very quick response too! I think I'll try knocking them back out (I'd considered that) and if not, time to invest in a Dremel! Andy
  18. I need to remove this brass plate from the Abbot loader's guard as the guard is rusting behind it and needs to be blasted and painted: My initial intention was just to drill out the rivets from the back, but they aren't normal rivets. They appear to be those self-tapping things and are incredibly hard, nothing I've tried will touch them. This is the rear view: The only thing I can think of is to find some sort of thin-walled counterbore tool with a hole in the centre so I can remove the metal from round the rivets but I'd appreciate any other suggestions! Andy
  19. Does it need to be brass? I had my Abbot fuel filter replicated in stainless steel, but it wasn't cheap! Andy
  20. The results didn't appear at all until I asked where they were! Andy
  21. Indeed - the missing section is for the indicators. Andy
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