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Everything posted by andym

  1. Try either Ian Galliers (Exfords Green Venison Ltd) or Nick Mead (Tanks-alot) but neither will be cheap! Andy
  2. As has been said, we haven't left the EU yet, so nothing has changed. As the proposed EU changes to the Firearms Regulations haven't been put before the Commission yet we're (hopefully) unlikely to adopt them, but as to what will happen about the already adopted EU deactivation standards your guess is as good as mine. Andy
  3. ... one of these anywhere? This is what I think the equilibrator setting-up bolt for an Abbot looks like, but if anyone has the genuine article I'd be very interested to know. It's a 3/4" UNF thread, for sizing reference. Andy
  4. You might also try picking up an Airfix model from eBay? I think they're reasonably accurate on the shape of the hull. Andy
  5. Thanks Reggie - PM sent. That was really well buried - congratulations on the recovery! Andy
  6. Welcome aboard! You haven't filled in the location part of your profile, but I suspect you're somewhere close to me? Andy
  7. There is, of course, a world of difference between "functioning replica" and "replica" and it wasn't clear which the article was referring to. Am I correct in thinking that the Dutch don't even allow non-functioning replica weapons? Andy
  8. John - The seller is Graham from PTS Norfolk - http://www.ptsnorfolk.co.uk - he'll have most or all of the bits you need as well, so give him a bell first. Andy
  9. One was on Milweb for a while, I don't know if it ever sold. Andy
  10. It's not that hard really. Everyone has their own personal opinions, including me. Let's just keep them personal and restrict the posts to those that impart knowledge or information? Andy
  11. John - As already suggested in the other thread it looks like a VRC353. The Clansman manual for Foden GS is back on eBay, item 112017026833, but as it's Graham from PTS Norfolk just give him a bell and tell him what you're up to. Andy
  12. I was surprised too, but there's nothing to stop member states imposing restrictions above the common standard. Note to all - can we PLEASE keep the politics out of this thread? :-( Andy
  13. Google brings up this from an eBay listing back in March, which although annoyingly small does indeed suggest a 353: Andy (2E0DFR)
  14. On my way shortly - unfortunately only in the car! Andy
  15. Not so obvious perhaps, but this did turn up in a recent episode: Andy
  16. "Chap with wings, five rounds rapid"? Andy
  17. I hate to be awkward, but the UK government can't reinterpret a piece of existing EU legislation, so this will just get the same response the earlier petition did. It would be far more use to petition the government to support Vicky Ford's proposed amendment 19 to the EU firearms proposals: "Deactivated firearms should not be covered by this Directive if they have been deactivated in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2403 or in accordance with prior national standards and procedures recognised as resulting in the firearms being rendered permanently unfit for use, inoperable and incapable of being converted into functioning firearms." Andy
  18. To help in keeping this thread on track, this is what I believe to be the current situation. I'm happy to be corrected by those with better knowledge. It is important to realise that there are TWO pieces of legislation that affect deacs and they are getting muddled up with each other. The first is the implementation of Commission Regulation 2015/2403 on the guidelines for deactivating firearms. As this is a regulation it is automatically implemented by EU countries and was adopted by the UK on 8 April 2016. This makes it illegal to sell or otherwise transfer a deac unless it conforms to the 2015/2403 regulations. It does NOT ban military deacs. The second, and more worrying piece of legislation is the proposed set of changes to the EU Firearms Directive 91/477/EEC. Amongst other things, this would ban military deacs, even if deactivated to the 2015/2403 regulations. An EU committee, chaired by Vicky Ford MEP, has consulted with a large range of groups that would be affected by the changes and come up with a set of revised proposals. These revisions include removal of the clause to ban deactivated military weapons and also a clause that says deacs do not need to conform to the 2015/2403 regulations if they conform to an existing national standard that can be shown to be equivalent. Should this revision be adopted, deacs to the latest UK specification would probably comply, earlier deacs with full moving parts probably would not. However, there has been considerable push-back against Vicky Ford's revisions from a number of countries including, I understand, the UK. The proposals are due to be debated by the EU in June, so they are not UK (or anyone else's) law yet. I hope that helps! Andy
  19. £7.50 on eBay at the moment, search for "clansman manual". Andy
  20. Robert - out of interest is the new archive up and running yet? They don't seem to respond to emails. Andy
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