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Everything posted by andym

  1. There's already a thread on this in the weapons section, I'm on my tablet at the moment so can't easily copy the link. The report to the European Commission apparently states that at least one of the weapons used in the Charlie Hebdo shootings was reactivated. Andy Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  2. This is a 4.5" Mk.6? Can I ask why you're interested? A frigate in the back garden perhaps? :-) Andy
  3. If implemented, the proposal would remove that distinction for a deactivated automatic or "military" weapon and the words on the deactivation certificate would become meaningless. Andy
  4. Agreed, but that only refers to changes in deactivation standards, not the apparent decision to outlaw existing deactivated Section 5 weapons. Andy
  5. As I read it, not just deac small arms, but anything with a turret even if deactivated. In the meantime I'm sure the terrorists are quaking in their boots. :-( Andy
  6. Whatever method you choose, for a couple of vehicles it would probably be easier/cheaper to pay someone who does it for a living? Andy
  7. Those six pin jobbies definitely look like Larkspur harness cables. And yes, the BNC cable is worth saving but you may have to cut a couple of inches off the open end if it's been left anywhere damp. BNC connectors are readily available and pretty easy to fit. Andy
  8. Radiac means a radiation meter. Andy Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  9. Isn't this one: the same connector as the K60 alternator control boxes? Quite useful if so. Andy
  10. This is in danger of turning into a sales and wants thread, but do you have a cable with the small 3 pin female Bowman type MIL-C-38999 connector (NW0998FNO)? It's used for power on some of the Abbot BATES equipment. Andy
  11. A 352 in Position D, then. I think the radio carrier slots on to the end. Andy
  12. At a guess as I can't see all the boxes, possibly the PRC320 kit for Position D in an FV432? Andy
  13. Luckily it's in the Daily Mail, so no-one will believe it anyway! :cool2: (All above comments about safety noted and agreed) Andy
  14. That's the one that Ian Evans was after recently on the 432 Forum - it's the FV430 PPJ engine services plug. (And I might be interested in some of the other bits!) Andy
  15. I think you'll find that "Anna" is for real. A combination of an amateur presenter and a dire script, probably what you get if you accept the lowest tender! Andy
  16. Have you tried the usual suspects such as http://marcusglenn.com/ or http://www.thexmod.com/ ? Andy
  17. The perceived wisdom is that you shouldn't use modern OAT antifreeze in old engines. Stick with a traditional IAT type, usually blue in colour. Andy Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  18. The Abbot misfire drill says 30 minutes. Andy Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  19. And going back to the original question, the US must have copied the tradition as their ships have 5" guns. Andy
  20. That's before next month's SDSR, of course .... Andy
  21. So why in the UK does the army have metric artillery (105mm, 155mm) while the RN has imperial guns such as the 4.5" Mk.8? Andy
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