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Everything posted by andym

  1. That should be read in conjunction with CAP1371, which explains the extra work they believe needs to be done to ensure safety after the Shoreham crash: http://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP%201371%20civil%20air%20display%20review%20actions%20eval.pdf The AAIB interim report into the Shoreham crash makes sobering reading and explains why the CAA are reacting in the way they are: https://assets.digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk/media/5677d6bfed915d144f000000/S4-2015_G-BXFI.pdf Andy
  2. Clive is correct, we shouldn't just object without understanding what we're objecting to and why! Andy
  3. For info, this is Vicky Ford's standard reply to queries: "Thank you for writing to me about the proposal to amend the EU legislation on the control and possession of weapons (The "Firearms" directive). As you are aware on 18th November 2015, the European Commission proposed amendments to the current EU Directive which has been in place since 1991 and which was last reviewed in 2008. This new proposal includes elements that will improve the sharing of registers across borders between Member States and enhance the marking and tracking of weapons, particularly prohibited weapons. I requested that the Commission officials came to the Internal Market Committee at the earliest possible opportunity to present their proposal to change the existing Firearms directive and to hear the initial views of MEPs. This meeting happened on 7thDecember 2015 and the recording is available here and the debate starts at about 1.22. In the aftermath of the tragic terrorist attacks last year, it is right that we look at what more can be done on a practical basis to tackle terrorism and criminal activities. Effective gun controls are part of this, especially given that some firearms used in the Charlie Hebdo attacks had been reconverted from "blank-firing" acoustic firearms into live firearms in Slovakia. UK deactivation standards would not have let this be possible.However, there was much discussion about the need to ensure the rules are proportionate and that they tackle real problems supported by real figures. A number of concerns have been raised about the new proposals as currently drafted, not least the absence of an impact assessment and the lack of clarity of some of the language. These concerns have come from museums, collectors, re-enactors, those involved in the film industry, "airsoft", sports shooters and those using firearms for pest control as well as military reservists in some countries.Given this, I volunteered to lead the European Parliament's work on this file, which involves scrutinising the Commission's proposal and proposing amendments where necessary. It is completely normal for MEPs to propose amendments to any proposal from the Commission and it is likely to take many months before there is a vote on both the proposal and any amendments.I have already met with FACE and the issues they address have all been identified as areas where MEPs would like to see amendments to the current text.Regarding deactivated weapons, many MEPs have expressed concerns about this. I am concerned that the Commission and Member States took 7 years to put in place rules to ensure such firearms are properly rendered inoperable. We need to ensure that these new rules are effective and they clearly need to be taken into consideration during the scrutiny process. MEPs will also want to clarify what is meant by the need for a medical test to be carried out before a license is granted and the distance selling requirements.I will be working closely with colleagues in the coming months to make sure we get the legislation right. I also believe it will be important to work closely with experts especially those representing stakeholders.Whilst it is right that at this time we check for any loopholes in the law and improve communication, any new legislation must be coupled with much greater enforcement against illegal arms, crime and terrorism.I will endeavour to keep members of the public updated as this legislation progresses through regular press releases. Please do check my website.I put a short video of this on my Facebook site recently and you may wish to watch this: https://www.facebook.com/vickyfordmep/videos/vb.152384924850614/978089762280122/?type=2&theaterYours sincerely,Vicky FordMEP" Andy
  4. Filling in the profile Location field would indeed be helpful, but Google suggests he's in Bicester? Andy
  5. Yes indeed - what happened to your family outing to Portsmouth? :-) Andy
  6. Welcome aboard! I own Little Maud, a Mk. 2. Andy
  7. Thanks Iain, it's not just the shells themselves, ideally the paint and markings too. I'm trying to replicate this: Andy
  8. To answer my own question for completeness and future reference, when using an IBHA (the standard arrangement in a Clansman harness) a PRC351/2 needs the remote cables connected to the IBHA and then to be switched to "Remote" or it won't transmit. However, if you're using a SANIE instead of the IBHA, typically in a BATES installation, you don't need the remote cables and it can stay switched to "Local". There must be some logic there somewhere ... Andy
  9. I had a very helpful surgery session with my MP, Penny Mordaunt, this afternoon. She now understands my concerns and will refer the EU proposal to Bill Cash who heads up the parliamentary European Scrutiny committee, one of the few select committees that actually has teeth. Andy
  10. Could do thanks Robin, just not sure how good the paint would look? And thanks to people for the contact info! Andy
  11. Could anyone please put me in contact with the owner of this US artillery piece that I saw at the Overlord show? I'm very interested to know who made the fibreglass replica shells. Andy
  12. I think there's some confusion between the new deactivation standards and the proposed amendments to the EU firearms directive: The new deactivation standards (Regulation 2015/2403) have already been agreed and will apply from 8 April 2016. The changes to the EU firearms directive (91/477/EEC) are only proposals at this stage and open to discussion and amendment by the EU member states. Vicky Ford suggests that discussion of amendments will take place in March with a final decision by early Summer. Andy
  13. To date I have been unable to get any reaction at all from the Home Office or their Ministers. My MP wrote to the Minister for Policing and got a non-reply straight out of Yes Minister. The Head of Firearms at the Home Office has yet to reply to the letter that I sent before Christmas. I see that there's an updated version of the document ST 5432 2016 REV 1 "Compilation of Member States comments on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons" but for some reason it isn't available for download, you have to request a copy. I'm very interested to see what comment, if any, the UK has made on the proposal. Andy
  14. Nothing obvious happening when I drove past yesterday and today. I assume they'll be pulling up the railway sidings as well? Andy
  15. It's a SANIE: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?34912-Identification-please Andy
  16. There's one sitting in my kitchen! :angel: Andy
  17. Yes indeed Clive - AESPs 7010-C-124 and 7025-C-106 would be particularly helpful, as would 7035-C-100. Attempts to track them down have so far drawn a complete blank - even an FoI request. Andy
  18. Does anyone have any manuals or other information for BATES (Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System)? I'm particularly interested in anything relating to the FV433 Abbot installation. Thanks in advance! Andy
  19. What do you mean by "reliable"? Unfortunately scoundrels exist in all walks of life, though hopefully not on here ... :-) Andy
  20. Welcome aboard - you might like to put your location in your profile so people know whereabouts you're based? Andy
  21. Don't forget that FV430s use a similar arrangement if it helps? Andy Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  22. To answer my own question and for future reference, a kind soul has provided the information that the AAMTU is indeed expecting a 2m whip. Andy
  23. Yes, I've got some of those, too! :-) Andy
  24. Clive - the rolls of Trakmark I have are also allegedly self-adhesive but aren't! Andy
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