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Everything posted by andym

  1. Can anyone suggest a supplier of large (>15mm) slotted screwdrivers or screwdriver bits? I've got a very large screw in the Abbot breech I need to undo, and none of the usual suspects have anything that size. Andy
  2. A picture of the socket itself might be helpful? Andy
  3. And to be fair, that's exactly what the MoD's scrap contracts say - MUST be reduced to scrap. Andy
  4. So without going into perhaps more detail than you'd like to Rick, was it just the money that was the sticking point or the tedious "I just can't be bothered to deal with you" attitude that seems endemic in some parts of the industry? Andy
  5. Personally I think most British scrappies would happily cut up a Tiger unless someone paid them silly money ... Andy
  6. That looks like industrial/building conduit, unfortunately. Andy
  7. I suspect you're correct - Trelleborg's name is on the packaging of some "Dowty" washers I bought recently from xmod. Andy
  8. The xmod seem to have sold out - have you tried Banisters? Andy
  9. Does anyone here have in-service experience of repairs to the alternator control panel FV342587 used on the FV430 vehicles? I've got a number of faulty ones to investigate that have lost their voltage regulation function, trying to charge the batteries at 32.5V or so. Looking at the Modification Instructions (EMER Pwr W117/2), most were made to improve component reliability and I wonder if there's some systemic problem at work here. Any advice or experience gratefully received before I go delving inside! Andy
  10. I have all the FV430 AESPs that were released under my FoI request if you're interested. It would be highly amusing to give a copy back to MOD! 46MT1, by the way. Andy
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by the drain valve? If it's the tap at the bottom of the pack it's "2540-99-881-9381, TAP, DRAIN, br, 3/8in. BSP c/w nuts and nipples, A153F". Andy
  12. That's obviously the answer - get your vehicle advertised on the Daily Mail! Andy
  13. What Diana says is correct - weight limits have nothing to do with the taxation class and everything to do with how much the vehicle weighs. I think the Shielder is around 13 tonnes so 7.5 tonne limits definitely apply! Andy
  14. My Stolly is running on Morris Golden Film SAE30. Andy
  15. Another vote for paying someone who has the right tools to do it for you, if you can afford it. I got a firm in Devon (K Blasting) to blast the Abbot back to bare metal, a coat of Sigma marine primer (a lovely shade of pink!) and two pack Sigma epoxy DBG topcoat. However, never underestimate how much mess the blasting makes - no matter how well you cover everything, the grit will get everywhere! And in response to the ABRO question they blast the hull after stripping it bare, that's how the Bulldogs were done. Andy
  16. Very nice - thank you for sharing! Andy
  17. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?49719-Whoop-s :-) Andy
  18. I've always called them a pin or peg spanner! Thanks for the tip about J&L though, you might just have solved a different problem. Andy
  19. andym


    I'm assuming they don't do the UK type of hazard perception tests in Germany? :-) All jokes aside, this just shows that regardless of good you may be at driving an MV, it won't stop you having an accident. Andy
  20. The ex-Stondon Museum Abbot is up for sale by auction on 7 June. I don't know if it's a runner but it looks relatively tidy. http://classiccars.brightwells.com/viewdetails.php?id=5405 Andy
  21. Don't expect a huge number either, it will be STAL1234 or similar. Andy
  22. Is that who the gun belongs to, then? I'd like a chat about fibreglass shells ... Andy
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