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Everything posted by andym

  1. andym

    Stalwart FFR

    Practice makes perfect, better bring you mine as well! :-) Andy
  2. True to the original, then! :cool2: Andy
  3. Some of my photos: It was good to see Saracen, Saladin and Stolly all in attendance! Andy
  4. Had a brilliant day today, didn't even need a coat. Back tomorrow to look at the living history field and will post some photos when I get the chance. Andy
  5. This seems to suffering from barrel droop at the moment and I think is having a new coat of paint. Andy
  6. It looks as though that problem has now gone away. Looking forward to a great weekend! Andy
  7. If anyone is planning on coming by train, just be aware there may not be any due to the strike, so check first ... Andy
  8. Agreed and understood, it probably depends on whether the conditions allow a return path for the reaction current? Just going on what I was once told by an engineer old enough to have worked on Boudicca's chariot ... Andy
  9. Noting the above, don't use copper anti-seize grease on anything involving aluminium. Normal grease instead. Andy
  10. Agreed - I've got an FV434 one fitted already, just need the stirrup. Andt
  11. Out of interest, does anyone have a spare foot "stirrup" for the front trackguard? Andy
  12. That's jinxed it, then! I've just changed the car and don't yet have a towbar to be pulled out with. I also see that because it's a Bank Holiday they're digging up all the railway lines ... :cool2: Andy
  13. I haven't had to do mine yet, I'm afraid! Andy
  14. Still a few teething troubles to sort out, though! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olk2orTkO7M Andy
  15. I used to live in Plashet Road, many moons ago! Andy
  16. It's a Kidde-Graviner "Firewire" sensing cable, used in most post-war British AFVs. They're wrapped round the engine and/or engine bay to form a continuous circuit. The substance inside changes with heat and triggers an alarm. The Gotcha is that the detection system normally bypasses the vehicle master switch so flattens the batteries of the unwary! Andy
  17. Not so - HMS Alliance at the submarine museum is out of the water but still a submarine! :angel: Andy
  18. I still think it's a bit odd. Unfortunately that particular copy of the FV432 manual is missing the page with the figure showing the Larkspur wiring diagram, but I note that the IBRA (as opposed to IBHA) doesn't have any remote terminals. Neither does the SANIE, which replaces the IBHA when it's used for BATES. I need to have a play with mine at the weekend and see what happens. Andy
  19. That's what I thought, but it seems a bit odd to have to cobble something on top of the existing 7-pin connection. Why doesn't the IBHA handle this internally by putting the required impedance across the microphone lines? Strange. Andy
  20. Unfortunately not, I've already got the intercom side of things working. I'm wondering if I need to connect the 352's "Remote" terminals to the "Radio" terminals on the IBHA? Andy
  21. I've now sorted the "imagineered" Clansman installation for my Stolly, which has a PRC352 with TUAAM, Initiate Box, IBHA, IB3 and a pair of CB2s. If I plug a handset into the spare connector (SK1) on the 352, it will transmit and an SWR meter shows 20W forward power and 0W reverse, so the TUAAM is obviously doing its thing. However, if I try transmitting using a handset or pressel connected to the CB2s, the 352 doesn't transmit. It receives OK and the intercom function of the harness is working. Have I missed something obvious? Andy
  22. Seconded - they can be surprisingly cheap, too. Andy
  23. These days the local Tech probably only do courses in hairdressing ... Andy
  24. I'll be there as a visitor. Is the FV432 prototype indoors now? Andy
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