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Everything posted by andym

  1. I think I paid £20 for mine on eBay, if it helps. Andy
  2. As Adrian says, the Mk.1 and Mk.2 have mounts on the external air filter box for some spare track links. They seem to have forgotten about that for the Mk.2/1s! Andy
  3. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?56839-Start-of-the-GOLD-silly-season Andy
  4. "Mr Mead and his mechanic Todd Chamberlain were filming the operation because they feared they might find weapons and wanted to be able to prove where it came from in case any awkward questions were asked." But strangely there don't seem to be any pictures of the gold. I'm obviously not the only one to think the Daily Mail took ten days to publish the story ... Andy
  5. This stuff is flexible, so I wonder if it's actually any different from Liquid Latex, which is readily available in a number of colours. Andy
  6. Thanks Clive, I hadn't seen that before. The only thing that worries me is getting a decent seal on the panel the lug is attached to. Perhaps a coat of paint first, then use the liquid tape as a protective cover for it? Andy
  7. Your breech ring seems to have gone missing, so are you sure the barrel hasn't been welded in place? Andy
  8. That should make starting easier too, although on the Stolly I quite like churning the oil about a bit before it gets enough fuel to fire up. Andy
  9. Does the horn actually work? Many of that type I've encountered have been somewhat mute! Andy
  10. Ditto! Does it have a four pin plug on it, perchance? Andy
  11. The book (EMER V 643/2) says Bostik C. Andy
  12. Just different. Like every MV, they have their own individual cursing features! :cool2: Andy
  13. Any FV numbers or other identifying marks? Andy
  14. That's looking very clean and tidy! Andy
  15. Be VERY careful. Even if you have an FAC for it, reactivating a deactivated weapon is an offence. Have a chat with your local firearms officer before going any further. Andy
  16. Brilliant - keep up the good work! Andy
  17. The Baking Soda trick won't work with a Hawker - they're a sealed AGM battery, not a conventional flooded lead acid. Andy
  18. Just so long as it isn't Ant & Dec ... Andy
  19. In this case MOD == Modification, not Ministry of Defence. Andy
  20. I'd be highly inclined to use an agent who has experience in such things. UK deactivation may well not be the same as Canadian deactivation. Andy
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