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Everything posted by andym

  1. In this case MOD == Modification, not Ministry of Defence. Andy
  2. I'd be highly inclined to use an agent who has experience in such things. UK deactivation may well not be the same as Canadian deactivation. Andy
  3. http://www.fv432.co.uk/fv432manuals.html ? Andy
  4. Ta! :-) Any more offers/suggestions? Andy
  5. A bit of a long shot I know, but does anyone have (or know of) any surplus Ptarmigan kit? I'm thinking of things that might have been stripped as surplus to requirements from a 439 or a Bedford. Andy
  6. Ford are apparently going straight to SAE Level 4 autonomy, which means their cars won't have a steering wheel or pedals. In that case, what's the point of a licence, as you won't be able to control the car anyway? I can see a future where it's only collectors of old vehicles (including MVs) who need a licence, which will become increasingly difficult and expensive to obtain. Andy
  7. You might also like to have a chat with ICS Online - http://www.startermotorsalternators.com/ Andy
  8. The "don't need a driving licence" is a particularly interesting thought. Andy
  9. If you buy a 351 to modify be sure to check it out thoroughly beforehand as there are a lot of dubious ones out there. I went through a batch of untested ones last year, out of ten only one actually worked. Andy
  10. Hurrah! I hope we'll see you at Overlord? Andy
  11. Unipren is usually white, have those just faded over time? Andy
  12. A gun or mortar emplacement, perhaps? Andy
  13. 07EB72 isn't in any of my collection of Abbot photos although that isn't conclusive as for some reason vendors on Milweb seem disinclined to respond to requests for VRNs. However it also doesn't appear on the old Project X Abbot database so I suspect it's either been scrapped or lurking as an anonymous hulk somewhere. Andy
  14. I'm bemused as to why the ATDU were stripping engines? Andy
  15. Agreed Neil - these proposals are a significant walk back from the originals. On the subject of prior spec de-acs, I suspect the standard in force before April 2016 would be OK, I don't see the "old spec" standard passing the test. Just my opinion though. At least we'll be able to have de-acs. Andy
  16. The latest from Brussels (full text here): http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20170126BKG59909/revision-of-the-eu-firearms-directive-an-overview "Deactivated Weapons In order to strengthen deactivation regimes, the European Commission introduced a new deactivation regulation which came into force in April 2016. This sets a single standard for deactivation of firearms. However, technical implementation issues have arisen and some countries were concerned that the new standard would be less secure than their previous national regimes. Following pressure from Parliament, the European Commission has now re-convened a working group of experts from the EU member states to review the regulation. The Commission has pledged that a revision will be completed by early 2017. “The introduction of the deactivation regulation caused problems for legitimate holders of deactivated firearms such as historical re-enactors and those involved in film making etc, as it prohibits them from selling or transferring across borders any items deactivated prior to April 2016 unless the items are re-deactivated to the new standard, which is not technically possible in many cases. Following pressure from Parliament there will now be a process to assess national standards in use prior to April 2016. If the standards are accepted by the working group and Commission as equivalent, then items deactivated to that previous regime will be able to be bought, sold and transferred without requiring further modification”, explained Vicky Ford (ECR, UK). The Commission proposed that all deactivated firearms would become subject to the same registration and authorisation procedures as firearms. This was rejected by the co-legislators. Instead the negotiators agreed that newly deactivated firearms should be categorised in Category C and need to be declared to national authorities but will not require an authorisation or licence. This will not apply to existing deactivated firearms." A full vote by the full EU Parliament is expected in March. No political replies, please! Andy
  17. Indiana Wedlock and the Lost Covenant? Andy
  18. They've also got a 76mm tank. Should fit nicely in your pocket ... Andy
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