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Everything posted by andym

  1. The biodiesel problem is a well-known issue in boats and MVs, especially those left for months at a time. Andy
  2. The one on the right is definitely correct. This is Sigma's two pack epoxy RAL 226 over their pink primer, white overalls for colour balance(!): Andy
  3. The Bulldog (FV432 Mk.3) uses a Cummins 6BTA but also changed the separate gearbox and steering units for a combined Allison setup. If you want to keep the existing gearbox and steering unit I suspect you'll have problems with gear ratios as the B81 (and K60) are higher revving than most modern diesels. Andy
  4. There's a rumour that the still-born Mk.3 Stolly (with K60 engine) could do exactly that. Andy
  5. Incidentally, on a recent visit to Woods in Crediton I saw a couple of GUEs sitting outside. I'm not sure if they're Chieftain or not as I don't have the knowledge to tell. Andy
  6. Agreed - it's just the lack of differentials that causes wind-up in a Stolly. Provided that a vehicle is properly designed for prolonged road use (the Stolly wasn't) it shouldn't be a problem. Andy
  7. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?49290-Image-thumbnails The moderators seem unable to fix this, so i assume it's a software "feature". Really annoying. :-( Andy
  8. The pinion is almost certainly a standard Lucas/CAV commercial part. Andy
  9. Wouldn't you need an HGV licence anyway, regardless of taxation class? Andy
  10. I haven't done it myself (yet!) but not according to EMER V644 Part 1. You remove the couplings but leave the bevel boxes where they are. Andy
  11. Just keep an eye on the fuel lift pumps. On the FV430s they went to great lengths to oil lubricate the K60 FIP but no-one apparently thought about the lubrication of the electric lift pump if running on petrol. Andy
  12. The date in service is what's needed, not the date of manufacture. DVLA call it "date of first use" if I recall correctly. Andy
  13. You don't have to visit the Tank Museum, just ring them up and do it over the 'phone with a credit card. They'll email you scans of the record cards within a day, far easier and quicker than fiddling about with an FoI request. Andy
  14. I use one of these - ridiculously cheap for what it is: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/401334422897 Andy
  15. So which is the chicken and which is the egg? Are there no courses because there aren't any jobs, or no jobs because no-one is taking the courses? Andy
  16. I assume you know its original army VRN? Ask the Tank Museum library for the record cards which will give you its date of first use. A lot of FV430s have also been registered using the VRN in lieu of chassis number. That said, I think you'll find it very difficult to get it road registered anyway. Andy
  17. In the case of the FV430 series there are also examples of NSNs for exactly the same part that have changed over the years. Andy
  18. To counter the suggestion above, if different vehicles were procured by different parts of the MOD, would anyone have the time and effort available to see if any of the parts could be re-used on another vehicle? It's probably down to the behaviour of the original manufacturer as they're the only people who would know they're supplying a part to more than one vehicle. Andy
  19. Could you let us know the numbers? What sort of vehicles are they? Andy
  20. I've only got the AVRE AESP to hand, but it says that the L60 main engine generator (No.5 Mk.4) is a four pole compound wound DC machine, i.e. a dynamo. It does however have an external control panel that provides excitation, so if that doesn't work neither will the generator. The circuitry looks pretty complex so I'd advise finding someone who understands it before deciding on a pack lift. Andy
  21. I'm just back from a day's recce trip and I think it's pretty good, virtually back to "normal". Some of the stalls are rather repetitious (how much WWII German militaria does the world really need?) and I couldn't see much in the way of heavy armour. But well organised, particularly the fast lane for pre-paid tickets and I couldn't fault the toilets. Definitely worth a longer visit next year. Andy
  22. They look like the quick release fittings made by Flight Refuelling - the Abbot uses them for steering box oil on the engine junction panel. FR tell me that you can still get them but "you won't like the price". If you can't find replacements your best bet might be to change them for something more modern? Andy
  23. The idea is to remove the largest source of NOx - commuter cars. Although lorries, buses and boats etc. may produce more NOx on an individual basis, there are far fewer of them than cars, so their total pollution contribution is less. Andy
  24. There's already been some discussion in this thread: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?57698-Has-the-military-vehicle-price-bubble-burst but beware of the inaccurate over-dramatic reporting in the newspapers. The ban will apply only to new entirely petrol and diesel engined cars, it does not ban hybrids (which are probably the only realistic option for a lot of people) and they will still need fuel as will all the other users of internal combustion engines. Andy
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