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Everything posted by andym

  1. Unfortunately it's ultimately down to numbers through the gate and museums will do what they can to make that as large as possible. Andy
  2. The website http://www.clansman.net just seems to be a holding page? It's also worth saying which Whitchurch you're referring to - there's an awful lot of them in the UK! :cool2: Andy
  3. I suppose I can see their point - it would be extremely embarrassing to have one stolen and then reactivated. Andy
  4. My understanding is that the new EU regs only apply to weapons being sold or transferred so there's no need to modify weapons already in place. I'm not holding my breath but there is a good chance that weapons deactivated to the last pre-EU spec will become legal again anyway if Vicky Ford manages to get the European Parliament to see sense. Andy
  5. Can't they just find another museum? Andy
  6. So why are they going to be scrapped? Am I missing something? Andy
  7. ... or a certain person who keeps advertising spares on Milweb but won't let anyone have a list of what they've got available! Andy
  8. Might be worth watching for a laugh ... Andy
  9. Is it one of these? http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/mil-spec-circular-connectors/4422325/ Note that I have not checked the dimensions! Andy
  10. Remembering to keep this non-political (please!) here is the latest from Vicky Ford's Facebook page: The third trilogue on the Firearms Directive took place on 15 November. The fourth trilogue is agreed for 5 December. This is a normal and expected procedure. ...... Deactivated Firearms It is important that deactivation of firearms should be irreversible and ensure the firearm is inoperable. The European Deactivation Regulation introduced in April 2016 sets a single standard for deactivation but has raised many practical issues for legitimate holders of these items, including reenactors. There is now a clearer understanding by the Council and the Commission of the issues faced by legitimate holders of these items and progress is being made on resolving implementing issues in the Deactivation Regulation. The Parliament is clear that the Expert Working Group on the Deactivation Regulation must have completed their work by early 2017. Regarding deactivations before April 2016, the Parliament position is that firearms deactivated to an equivalent previous standard should still be able to be bought and sold and Parliament suggests that national deactivation standards which are equivalent to the aims of the new EU standard adopted should be recognised as such. The Commission have now taken this concern on board and are working on new language to enable this. It is clear that the Commission will not be prepared to just rubber stamp all old deactivation standards so it will be up to each Member State to make the case for deactivations undertaken according to their previous system and the Commission to then approve on a case by case basis. Andy
  11. And now the Daily Mail has told everyone about it, it'll be completely wrecked in a couple of weeks. :-( Andy
  12. The VRM5080 is a nice set, just don't drop it on your foot! Andy (2E0DFR)
  13. Most boatyards have a slipway, so if it was me I'd have driven it in very slowly, stopping and watching for leaks as I went. Andy
  14. This one? http://www.greenmachinesurplus.com/rolls-royce-b-rangepetrol-enginesworkshop-manual-tsd702-1339-p.asp Andy
  15. Anyone want an oil cooler for their CET? https://www.bidspotter.co.uk/en-gb/auction-catalogues/ramco/catalogue-id-ramco-10056/lot-1be0e4e7-96bd-4c42-8d2a-a6ab00ff1ec0 The same auction has some barrels of OMD-90 and OM-33, straight tow bars and women's urinals (don't ask!). :red: Andy
  16. If you haven't already you might consider taking out breakdown/recovery insurance? I registered with Autohome before collecting the RB44 and driving it back home. It didn't miss a beat, of course! Andy
  17. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?55356-Panzerj%E4ger-Tiger-(P)-Elefant-to-be-part-of-new-tiger-exhibit :-D Andy
  18. Not so much that, I was thinking that unless a formal change of ownership has occurred then surely they still belong to the original owner? Andy
  19. I was thinking more in terms of the Canadian government ... Andy
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