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Everything posted by andym

  1. "A kitchen utensils hall of fame" - Brilliant! :-) Andy
  2. Thanks Bob, on investigation I think the top section is actually 649-8140. The confusion is whether a 4m HF antenna uses two middle sections or two bottom sections, there seems to be a difference of opinion and I can't find an official source of information. I only need 3m at the moment, so one of each section. Andy
  3. .. and also consider whether the land owner has any ownership rights over the vehicles themselves? Andy
  4. Thanks Bob. There's an earlier thread here on HMVF that gives NSNs for the three sections, but I think it has the bottom and middle ones swapped. Andy
  5. We used to use it for everything internal at Piccadilly Radio in the 1980s. The Neve mixing desks were full of it. Andy
  6. Answering my own question it looks as though I need a middle rod as well but I would be grateful if someone can confirm that? Andy
  7. I'm sure someone on here will know (probably Iain!) - if I'm putting a 3m HF antenna on a vehicle, does it use two of the normal bottom rods and one top, or something different entirely? And yes, I know it's a subtly different base to the usual VHF one. Andy
  8. That was my first thought. See eBay item 142149019215 for an example of it in use on a Vulcan fuel control panel. Andy
  9. From Scribd via Google if I recall correctly. It took a bit of a hunt, shame they don't make it more easily available. Andy
  10. Prompted by the recent Nazi Gold Train saga, I downloaded a copy of "Assumed Missing, Reported Buried", the formal technical report on the 2013 Burma Spitfire excavations. Well worth reading and it does a thorough debunking of the buried Spitfires myth. Andy
  11. I've just insured my 1992 RB44 with Cherished. Andy
  12. I've discovered an interesting Catch-22 with Cherished Insurance's recovery insurance. The cover doesn't kick in until 48 hours after the policy starts, and they won't let you start cover until you take possession of the vehicle. So if you go off to collect it (as I will with the RB44) it isn't covered for breakdowns on the drive home - not helpful! I've gone to Autohome instead, very slightly more expensive but it's breakdown as well as recovery, Cherished is recovery only. Andy
  13. Banner say that the maximum charging voltage is 14.8V, your existing setup will be fine. Andy
  14. With a bit of luck I'll bring the RB44! Andy
  15. Never mind the monks, Buckfastleigh has a very nice steam railway! Andy
  16. Although I'm re-opening an old thread, it might be worth repeating some information that I found while digging around before buying an RB44 myself. The DERA investigation referred to in Post #36 found that the issue was not with the brakes themselves, but rather the steering geometry. The front axle rotated under heavy braking, and because of the steering geometry this caused the vehicle to veer to the left. DERA proposed the fitment of tie rods to limit the axle rotation and this was implemented as Modification Instruction No.4 of September 1995. All extant RB44s should have the tie rods fitted and the braking problem overcome. Andy
  17. The article was written by dailymail.com "journalists" in the US and no-one bothered (or knew enough) to translate for the UK. Andy
  18. I'd be very interested in any progress on this as I'm in the process of buying an ex-BMETS RB44 myself! Andy
  19. ... with an extra pair of wheels and a somewhat more powerful engine! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3814828/It-drives-dives-arms-contractor-unveils-new-assault-vehicle-Marines-ship-shore.html Andy
  20. Does anyone have internal parts for an RB44 comms body, such as the radio tables and seats? Thanks! Andy
  21. Thanks Iain - I think it's based on a Magnavox product known as TacGA but as you say, modified for a Clansman 351 battery and 7-pin audio. They went out of service some time ago, which makes it odd that there's very few of them around and no information about them, even an operator's manual. It's the latter that worries me most, especially if they're a substantial investment. Andy
  22. Does anyone know anything about the UK/PRC-346? There's a couple on eBay and they look quite interesting, if pricey! Andy
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