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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Coming back from buying a 9 by 9 yesterday evening from Batley on Leeds Road I saw a Diamond T (think it was) next to a garage (restoration)?
  2. That wouldn't work with better half she knows me to well. If only she had known :angel:
  3. If you hadn't put that picture up with you posing in front of the 101 you could have got away with being 21 again! But as it is I have found the right sort of mobility transport for you .... any colour that you like as long as its red..... What a swine Feel free to comment when I turn 40 this month
  4. Better for all concerned if they had jumped in the fire and extinguished themselves. We'll only be paying for them to be on holiday camp in prison. The amount of clowns that I've seen who are so proud to tell you that they have been in prison :??? Why?
  5. Not my intention to give that impression its just me getting on my soap box
  6. Well I could answer that one its to keep garages in work when male drivers see Marilyn Monroe style... ahem wardrobe malfunctions and reshape the boot of the car in front.
  7. Somewhere on the side wall of you're tyres you should find a date code for when the tyres were made. If more than twenty years old cough up some pennies and go and buy a new set. In regards to Ferrets I changed my tyres because they had cracks in them. I thought that if my missus was in the turret and we had a blow out, flip over and a death because I didn't change the tyres I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Not worth it, not bothered if they don't look correct for the perfectionists or the keep them original lobby its my missus in the turret. My two pence worth
  8. Hi Terry, Here is a pic or two of the cover in place
  9. I think they slot in I can not find a better picture at the moment and I won't be near our RB44 till the weekend
  10. servo equipped Ferrets stop a lot better than non servo equipped Ferrets. A non servo'd Ferret would be a non starter for you as you use the gearbox to slow the vehicle down and down shifting wouldn't be quick enough in an emergency stop.
  11. Just an idea or two It might be better to change the accelerator pedal to a hand throttle similar to a quad bike but that would mean leaving only one hand on the wheel which would be extremely tiring after a while. You could mount another foot pedal on the same rod as the original pedal its only located with two pins through the pedal and rod. Air supply the bottom crankshaft pulleys on both the alternator and dynamo have spare grooves so potentially you could fit something in the area. It wouldn't be easy so little room.
  12. And you politely told them which pylon to climb up didn't you
  13. I have google chrome it doesn't do that. On my previous PC it picked up something similar which couldn't be gotten rid of I know I tried. I think my answer was to change my browser from internet explorer to Firefox.
  14. :red::red: Eh it was ment to be 'butter'. Mind you in the evenings after the public have left..... Who knows it may work. Its obvious what you were thinking about.... quarter to eleven in the morning I'll have a pint of Strongbow if you don't mind seen as you're getting them in. Tar for the reply I'll have a crack later when the missus goes shopping
  15. I have four or five of those CVRT side tents they all have a similar problem stiff zips what is the best way of lubricating them? I had thought about using a silicon based lubricant like WD40 is that the best way to go?
  16. If I won the lottery I wouldn't do anything I'd pay someone but as I'm not likely to win (very rarely play) I do as much as I can with the time that I have available.
  17. It looks pretty good inside I was expecting it to be as rusty as hell but it looks very good Good buy how do I get a ride in the turret do I have to cross your palms with silver.... I can hunt out a pile of washers somewhere
  18. It would make a nice garden ornament plaything for kids if it was mounted on a turret ring.
  19. I hope Colin appreciates his new found fame
  20. True but it would get round the problem with ebay UK whether it would then produce another problem?? I suspect that it doesn't have to ebay in the US ebay europe?
  21. You don't need an answer to that you already know the answer YOU CAN'T WIN roll with it
  22. How about listing it in another country I have seen machetes listed in dollars rather than sterling and listed from a UK address. Don't know how you do it but it must be possible.
  23. Good reversing if that had been me I would have enlarged the opening
  24. I've always liked stollys a lot of work to get one of those back up and running
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