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Ian L

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Ian L last won the day on October 11 2019

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About Ian L

  • Birthday November 27

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  • Interests
    Flying & Historic vehicles
  • Occupation
    Semi retired

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  1. A few photos of the finished bowser Water Bowser - Google Drive
  2. The strainer is definitely WW2 & the correct one for our bowsers, the float look like it might be correct ? the rest of the stuff I've never seen so cant comment ? Any idea who bought the parts ?
  3. Hi Rootes, I have almost finished my restoration so have 1 trailer left fit for restoration if your interested ?
  4. One for the Goslings here, although they would probably turn it down as there's too much to start with & not enough to make & find.
  5. Hi Ian L,  Are you still looking for commercial trailer "t" plates.

    I have a alloy one about 6 x 8 black back and white "t" red reflectors. 

                Yours Gordon Giles


  6. Yes it is, its a copy. nothing todong with me
  7. I'm guessing the Paddle steamer might be The P.S Devonia ? Can anybody shed more light on 'little ship' at 6.22 ???? Eagle.
  8. 1 Ton 180 gallon Bowser behind a Jeep. The Canadian trailer was different in detail in almost everyway but does look the same from 10' away. The main difference was 9.00x16 wheels/tyres rather than the British trailer which had the larger 9.00x20 wheels.
  9. The door skin had a really nasty deep sharp gouge along the top, I knew that any attempt to straighten would result in a very distorted panel & I was right. Normally I would make a new skin which I have done many times before, but I like to keep as much as I can original & anyway my large box folder is 45 miles away which is out of the question with the lockdown. The skin went all out of shape but with a few shrinks its as tight as a drum again & quite straight, I will straighten where I can & finish off with some stopper.
  10. Normally I would get the tin work shot blasted but its all tacked, screwed and bolted to the Ash frame so I though I would give paint stripper a try this time & it came off a treat. Other items are a 5 gallon pre-war RAF fuel container & jockey wheel for my Air Ministry Compressor trailer restoration & 2 9" blackout cover for my Matchless G3 restoration.
  11. While I'm waiting for dashboard parts I thought I would get on with the rotten wood around the nearside front wheel arch fixing. I have used Ash which was traditional for vehicle frames but I don't think the original wood is Ask ? possibly due to shortages late in the war ? Waiting for some glue to dry over night where I have spliced a bit in, ill finish it later today.
  12. Well done Guy I knew I could rely on you mate, I've just ordered 2.
  13. 1st wet day for ages so I thought I would have a go at reconditioning the instruments, if you look back a few posts you will see the state they were in. Began with polishing the brass bezel while its still on the gauge as this is easier & the only way not to distort it, to remove the bezel & glass I turned up a bit of MDF so with the gauge face down its a snug fit & the brass tags can be bent back without fear of distorting the bezel or cracking the glass. On inspection the glass was not dirty but had delaminated so I need to replace with new but as the glass fits inside & not on top its only 1 -7/8" rather than the more common 2" so at this point I don't know where to get replacements ? Also what is the best way to clean the face & needle in situ.
  14. Finished the sanding then drilled out the stripped screw holes & glued dowels into them.
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