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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Got any details such as Date, Location or a website, please?
  2. Just had a Charity shop open today just up the road from me. Went in there and bought 6 old 78 records for 50p each. 4 of them are Glenn Miller. They were also giving away free cakes today.
  3. My view is :- This is Wartime. Why bother repainting a vehicle a slightly different shade of green? Waste of manpower and resources. I have seen Jeeps with black camo, but most seem the standard Olive Green. Jeeps were only supposed to last 3 months, so why a respray? Post war I can understand a respray to clean it up after a base overhaul - is this where the confusion is? If the vehicle had to have mods (eg a Firefly) then it would need painting, so a respray is understandable.
  4. Hmm... 5 vehicles taking the crews to the aircraft, 3 of them Ford V8 powered. The Lancasters had Rolls Royce Merlin engines, but Ford made about half the British Merlin engines so they could be Ford as well. (Rolls-Royce, Ford and Packard made about a third each).
  5. There is a WOT1 crew bus in the film 'Titfield Thunderbolt' being used as a Police vehicle. The Bus crashes into it late in the film. Also, there are several WOT1 crew buses and also a WOA2 used in the 'Dam Busters' film, when they are just going on the actual raid.
  6. I have always had trouble with Beltring Mud and getting rid of it. I can scrub it off my vehicle eventually, but I am having problems with my clothes. How do others get the mud off, as washing doesn't seem to shift it. One pair of trousers I wore during the W&P show got muddy around the ankle and I cannot shift the mud stains. Any advice would be welcome.
  7. HMTF Historic Military Toilet Forum???
  8. I know I have asked this question before, but I need confirmation. I am considering buying a Land Rover Discovery V8 (with LPG) as my next car (in a year or 2), and I am thinking of using it to tow a trailer with my Ford WOA2 on it. The WOA2 weighs a few pounds under 1.5 tons (info from official manual). I do not have a trailer yet, so estimates only. Will this work? What do the experts think?
  9. Yes, there's a joke there about Steam coming out of their ears, but I will have to work on it.
  10. I remember going to a Steam show at Rushmoor Arena near Aldershot in the 1990s. This has ceased now, but it was a 2 day event and I once stayed overnight with my 2 Daughters. On the Saturday after the show closed, we went into Aldershot for dinner, then back to watch Can-can dancers on a stage powered by 2 steam engines. Very enjoyable.
  11. I was reading the official history of 21st Army Group 1944-45, and there is a reference to the Austin K5. Evidently all Austin K5 trucks broke down in Europe, and every spare engine they had was faulty. Harsh words from an official publication printed in 1946.
  12. The Jeep was plain yellow with a modern steering wheel and a non UK registration, and had a film crew with it whenever I saw it.
  13. Ah, yes. It does sound like transport for the official video crew.
  14. Anyone know who that was with the Banana Custard coloured Jeep at War & Peace this year? They looked like a Film company - is it the Official Video of the show?
  15. They were handing out support car passes when we arrived, and said that we should have had one given us when we entered a Parabike.
  16. Buy a Parabike. You can fold it and carry it in a car, no tax or insurance. It's not going to depreciate, and you can enter it and request a support car entry as well.
  17. Just saw this on the news. Looks like Henry Allingham's Funeral will be a big affair. Can anyone in the area get any photos of the flypast? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20090730/tuk-fly-past-to-mark-allingham-funeral-6323e80.html
  18. I saw several large stalls in the display area trading all week, so I don't think there was a ban. On the other hand, the number of underage riders of Quad bikes seem to diminish during the week. Was there a clampdown on these? If so, this I support as I feel these were an accident waiting to happen.
  19. Happy Birthday Clive and thanks for the help with the Condensors.
  20. Did anyone take any photos or Video on Thursday of the British & Commonwealth vehicles in the Arena? I let my Daughter Emma drive my WOT2 over the 2 humps and wonder if anyone got it on film. I tried the W&P website, but no luck. PM me if you have anything. Thanks.
  21. woa2

    The shame of it

    British, PW, and embarrassing - got to be a Land Rover, or God forbid, a Champ!!!
  22. I see it now. Put it down to W&P fatigue.
  23. Who lays claim to photo DSC_2912.jpg taken on Thursday on the the War & Peace website? I would like a good copy of this one, as it shows one of my vehicles.
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