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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Damn, they've sent us the '38 vintage when I especially asked for the '37 wine.
  2. The Bedford MW is owned by Jill and Roland Poole who live locally to the show.
  3. Just heard a noise above me when in my garden this afternoon and looked up to see a Spitfire with Merlin engine above me. It was low enough to see it had D-Day markings. Fantastic!!
  4. Hang on, there was another increase recently. When VAT was reduced to 15%, didn't fuel duty increase to keep the price the same? That's now 2 increases we've had. Petrol at my local Shell station is now 90.9, which is the cheapest in Reading.
  5. woa2

    BBC News item

    Yes, it's a Saracen - must clean my glasses.
  6. woa2

    BBC News item

    There is a bit on the BBC News website this morning that an Armoured Vehicle has been stopped in London. It is a Ferret painted Blue, and alegedly had 6 protestors on it. If you log onto the BBC News, there is a photo. Anyone recognise it?
  7. Anyone seen any April Fool jokes in the News or Press today? I did hear about the Austrailian Government building Nests for Penguins on Bondi Beach to encourage them to stay. Also, Richard Branson was starting a 'Pet Gym' with resident Vet for pawlarty and Wag-attack symptoms.
  8. All I can tell you is that they are 'Easy Clean' wheels and the 3 lugs are to fit a Hub Cap. Therefore they are off a small car, 1930/40/50? Could be a Ford Pop looking at the hubs.
  9. woa2

    Odd wheel

    Err.... Where is this scrap yard, it sounds interesting.
  10. I was listening to my car radio today, and the song 'Beautiful Noise' was played. It got me thinking. What is a "Beautiful Noise" to YOU. Obviously the best noise is your Restoration project starting after years of work. However, my thoughts are :- 1. A Spitfire with a RR Merlin at full throttle. 2. A well tuned Ford V8 on tickover. 3. A steam train coming into a station. What are your thoughts?
  11. Yes, I know about D of Q. I used to run the archive on a Computer system and these ran on expensive Optical disks, which had to run daily or the disks filled up. The company stores held my supply, 3 boxes of 10 disks (D of Q=10). I used to order a box at a time, about once a week. A new stores manager took over and decided that it should be 3 disks only, but didn't tell anyone. I put my usual order of a box of 10 disks through and was told that it couldn't be supplied. My reply was that the entire telephone reporting system on the Vodafone network was about to stop unless I had the disks the next day. They changed the D of Q very rapidly.
  12. Sunday 26th April is also Dallas Dig-out day. You could always drive your MV there.
  13. OK, difficult question time. I have 2 Wartime British Ford vehicles, a WOT2 and a WOA2, built in Dagenham only months apart. Questions I have are :- 1. The front brake plates are bolted to the axle spindles by identical nuts and bolts on both vehicles. Why has a WOT2 got 3/4 long split pins and a WOA2 5/8 pins to secure the slotted nuts? Information came from the spares books. 2. Why has a WOT2 a Lucas headlight and a WOA2 a Butler headlight? Both are identical, and this information comes from the spares books. Anyone help?
  14. There was an Army show in Prospect Park, Reading, Berks in 1968, and I remember seeing a Mini Moke there, on display. Unfortunately I didn't photograph it at the time. I also remember they still used Morris Quads to tow 25pdrs for the mock battle.
  15. Yes, Nazi party members badge - I beleive it is still illegal to own one in Germany. Anyone confirm that?
  16. I've also got one of these, but in a canvas pouch and dated 1945.
  17. "Why are you using a Dummy Gum?" "It's in case the Germans are using Dummy Tanks, Sir"
  18. If your experience of a Champ is anything like my old Champ, then buy in quantity as you will need it with the normal Champ back axle oil leak.
  19. My late Father-in-Law drove Rolls Royce Armoured cars in the desert for the RAF during WW2. I think this was 1940-1942 period.
  20. I would like to go on one of these walks. Count me in.
  21. Just seen this thread. My Grandfather used to work in East London, as this was where he came from, and this incident was one of the main things that convinced him to stay in Reading and give up travelling in London.
  22. The Doc says it's only paranoia, but I always get the feeling someone's following me. OR Why am I always the lead vehicle in the 'Red Ball' convoy at Beltring?
  23. woa2

    Caption #12

    Dodge restoration project for sale - may need a few parts to finish.
  24. I wonder how much I can get for this on ebay?
  25. Yes, I think I should have fitted this brake component after all.
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