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Everything posted by woa2

  1. My Ford WOT2, contract S2019, cost £309 in 1943. A British 1/2 ton trailer (usually called an airborne trailer) was £46-5-0 in 1945.
  2. I can tell that the packs with padding are nothing to do with Radio or Telephone equipment. Sorry, not much help.
  3. There looks like a reference number on the flap. Can you tell me what it is, please?
  4. They are the standard British 08 pattern large pack which also formed part of the later 37 pattern webbing set for WW2. I have to agree with Enigma on the CF marking reducing their value. Try bringing them to Beltring in July.
  5. Yes. The average Human is basically Greedy and has a memory of only 3 months. To test the 3 month claim, try to remember a Newspaper headline from 3 months ago - it has to major to you, for you to remember. The greed is what all con artists play on.
  6. I am going for a short holiday at St. Leonards near Hastings from Monday April 6th to Friday 10th April. Can anyone advise of any good places to visit in the area? Also, any places to avoid? Also, any good and cheap places to eat? There will be 4 adults and a 6 month old Baby. Many thanks for any guidance you good people can give me.
  7. I saw a Jeep on the M25 yesterday morning (Friday). It was heading North between the M20 and M2 junctions. Was it anyone on this Forum?
  8. I gave the surface a light sanding to give the paint something to adhere to, and I have had no problems. I hand painted on the Hammerite and sprayed the top coat.
  9. Have you thought about using Hammerite Smooth Black on the chassis, body and other parts before giving it a coat of OD? I have done this on my WOA2, as I don't want ANY rust after spending a fortune on body repairs. So far there is not a speck of rust. Wish I had done that on the WOT2 as there is a little rust coming through now, but that was first painted in 1984.
  10. Trimite do a very good Red Oxide primer. I buy mine from a stall at Beaulieu Autojumble, either May or September, who sells all types of paint and thinners. I used Bonda primer on my WOT2. It's not bad, but put a coat of Gloss between the primer and the matt topcoat. This is essential, in my experience.
  11. I could be interested in some 900x13 tyres, but only if they will be guarrenteed for 50mph.
  12. How about trying some of those Unleaded Octane boosters that are sold. They are available in Halfords. The old leaded petrol was a higher octane rating than the present unleaded. Another idea is trying super unleaded.
  13. If it's any help, my Ford WOT2 manual lists a change to the main jet on the carb when using leaded petrol, the change being dated Dec 1943. The jet was 140 for pre-war unleaded and 145 for wartime leaded petrol.
  14. I went into a Hardware shop and asked about Whitworth bolts. Yoof behind counter said he had never heard of Whitworth. I then pointed out they were selling them and I needed some in a different length.
  15. Looks like a Kriegsmarine eagle to me. Either German Navy or Coastal Artillery.
  16. woa2


    This happened on Wednesday 18th Feb 2009 in Swanscombe, Kent. The Mother of my Daughter's partner James died and the Funeral was in Swanscombe on Wednesday. She was very much involved with the Scout/Guide movement, and the local Scout group paraded in front of the Hearse. To acheive this, there were several Police stopping traffic in side roads. Unfortunately 2 local villans chose this day to hold up the local car wash, which was only a few streets away, and were amazed when they only got a few hundred yards before all the extra Police in the area that day, caught them. The Funeral went without any problems.
  17. The Daily Mail has been giving away DVDs of old War Films. There is still a week to go, and if you missed the ones last week, they will send them if you pay postage with a few coupons. Films so far included 'Dam Busters', 'Dunkirk', 'First of the few' and 'Wooden Horse'. 'Sea of Sand' will be in a paper this coming week.
  18. Reference the Britains toy truck, the story I heard once was that the British Army was rumoured to be taking the Beetle as its Standard 15cwt, and Britains quickly made the model truck. It was only after they made the moulds that the Army then went for the Morris 15cwt.
  19. Just a reminder. We have all got Anti-Freeze in our Radiators, haven't we???
  20. Thursday 12th Feb. Just had a light dusting of Snow here in Reading this evening. Stopped now, but it's still there. My Daughter phoned to say it's snowing in North Kent. Weather man on TV said that cold average temperatures now (which we have had) means that the Summer should be good. Might be a dry Beltring...........
  21. Just noticed - the seated mechanic is sitting on a German Jerrycan.
  22. I remember reading a bit in the news when the price of petrol dropped from £1.20 a litre, that the Government was unhappy with it because it meant they got less in VAT.
  23. I have been noticing that Petrol prices are going up slowly again. The Shell station near me is one of the cheapest in the Reading area, but their prices for unleaded have been going up recently and it is now 86.9 a litre from it's lowest at 82.9. The increase has been slowly done, about 1p a week or two. Supermarkets are also increasing prices, with Morrisons at 87.9 Has anyone else seen this increase in their areas?
  24. Yes, you're right. There is a switch inside the PSU that can be locked to stop accidental use on Canadian made units. They are interchangeable with British units.
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