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Who's doing a poppy round this year?


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Just got back from a week in the Lake District - and didn't see one poppy collector the whole time we were there.

Even the wife was much surprised by this!!!



Shoulda come to Morrisons in Kendal... 2 jeeps 2 Dodges on saturday...

again next Saturday... with live music...possibly!

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Got mine outside WH Smiths in Streatham a couple of days back - first Poppy seller I've seen this year, and NONE of the usual super stores I frequent (Sainsburys, Tescos, etc) had the usually expected Poppy appeal points set up, VERY disappointing, as by this time last year we were well inundated with Poppy points all over the place - someone in the RBL should take note of that, and suggest that the stores prepare for next year, this year!

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I took my family and friends and a few vehicles into our local town shopping centre on Saturday, We arrived at 9.00am to set up our display and left at 5.30. It was extremely cold standing around but the generosity that was shown was unbelievable. We parked outside Woolworths and Marks & Spencers, at around 11.00am I was approached by the manager of Marks & Spencers who said "would we like some hot food brought out and at what time would we like it". At 12.45 we had what I can only say was an outstanding gesture from M&S of a tray full of hot soup ,toasted sandwiches ,Drinks, Doughnuts and bread rolls,followed by another tray of Soup and Bacon rolls.

The Solihull branch of M&S went beyond the call of duty generosity of this kind is very rarely seen today,they were willing to help a bunch of frozen reenactors sell poppies for a worthy cause. I will be sending the head office a letter of thanks.


We also met a few veterans an American GI and a Dunkirk/Normandy 1939-1946 veteran who stayed with us for about an hour .We had loads of "mops" telling their tales of Yanks driving through villages on there way to the coast and other memories of the war years.

All in all a fantastic day raising money for the RBL poppy appeal.


Many thanks to all who took part


Here are some of our photos.






I'll post how much we raised once the RBL have counted our collection box's









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Nice one Chappers.


As said elsewhere - the Poppy for the front of the Stalwart arrived today ready for the homewards trip on Thursday but I have not seen a single poppy seller this rear. I had to go into Barking this morning for the fortnightly waste of time known as "signing on" at the Job Centre and there was no sign anywhere. Usually there are a few on Barking station and them in the shopping area. But, seemingly, not this year!

None in Carnforth last week or it's environs, none on Blackpool sea front or the motorway service stations.... I even asked the missus if I had the dates right......

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