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What do you wear.....?


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Right, you are in your vehicle, you have turned up at a show to exhibit your pride and joy.


So the question is, what do you wear whilst you are showing your vehicle..............?


Period dress


Anything in olive drab

Or just your everyday clothes


And why?


Best wishes.



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It depends on the type of show & the weather :wink:

If it is a steam fair then we just tend to wear anything in olive. ie combats /lightweights & our club polo shirts.

If we are at an organised event ie blenheim we wear full authentic uniform.

Lastly at Military shows ie Kemble,detling,Beltring then it does depend. Many others wear uniform at these events so I don't think it matters if we are Uniformed up or not.

It is good to wear it for a few hours during the day when the public are there as they like to take photos but come the late afternoon we normally get changed into sloppies. I very rarely wear uniform in the beer tent as it costs too much money for drunken people with fags in their hands to push past & put fag holes in it.

I do like wearing uniform or 40s clothes to events as the public love it but i do also like to take it off & bung on my cut offs & trainers when I want to veg out.

I do find it much easier to wear our club shirts to events as they look smart & you can wear them with any trousers.

We have them done separate to the MVT ones and we wrote to the Gloucesters( army) & asked their permission to use the sphinx back badge as part of our logo.

We have black polo shirts with the sphinx on the back inbetween the shoulder blades at the nape of the neck & we have Gloucestershire Military vehicle Trust on the top left hand side on the front.

We also have olive drab t shirts with the same logo on.

Do other areas have their own shirts?

They do look smart & you can get away with wearing them anywhere.



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To me owning an MV is all about owning and preserving a piece of serious world history and it is our responsibility to share this history and to pass the knowledge to all of those who are interest and in some cases to those who aren't.


We most certainly have to pass this on to children, they will be the ones who keep the torch burning. So this is what I would like to do.


To take the GMC to shows and each time I attend a show I would wear a different uniform from a different country, and yes, that would also include a German uniform. Shock horror, I know that for some this would be disgusting and un welcomed...


But why would it be? Just because I own a GMC does it mean that I am restricted to what I wear?

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Hi Jack

If your vehicle is marked to represent a specific unit then I think it would look odd unless you were to wear the correct uniform for that unit. The GMC was used by all the Allied nations at some time, so you have a huge choice. I know of some people who use magnetic signage and so can chang the unit markings at will.





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Guest bigredone

Oddball, here is the story.....

Well it started at D-Day 60th when I asked if they would like me and me mate and the jeep to put on a small display outside the museum. In addition, there were the dads army lot and another jeep......we were mobbed, estimated people was 20,000 + according to the local paper and they broke all records for admission to the museum.

Therefore, this year I asked if they would like me again and they said yes. Not as many people but loads of ex US vets and current US serving officers on a D-Day tour plus the obligatory nut job/drunk. It was quiet but enjoyable; we set up a small "prelude to D-day" encampment with a couple of pup tents and rations/ammo boxes, Glenn Miller playing on the radio set etc, etc.

If you would like to come the more the merrier, ill put out a call nearer the time. There is no petrol money but they will furnish you with drink and if the restaurant is open some scoff, but come prepared.

Another one I do that may interest you is Fort Nelson, they have “Last Battles of WW2” it is mainly LHA people setting up camps and then having demonstrations of weapons firing cumulating in a battle. As I do not belong to any groups they asked me to set up in the front entrance, it was a cracking two days even got into the local paper and again record door attendance but best of all I live 5 minutes down the road!

Also we have in this area is "Prelude to D-Day" weekend at Tilford in Farnham, which is good and "Alton in the Forties" where we set up in the town centre and thats not bad either.

If I can be of any more help, please let me know.

Thanks for the interest.



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Guest bigredone

Thanks Lloyd


You have helped me out in the past with my .30 Cal mount on other forums, I really must meet up with you at one of the shows.


You may be able to help me again, im after a 8x9 US Army wall tent for the display, can you point me in the right direction as I am getting no where.






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  • 1 month later...

hmm, well some times tank crew dpm overalls, some times civvys


but my friends mock if if i wear combat attire! but they are young!


i should wear my late fathers denison 72 para smock with 1 para insig, as well as jump boots and green fatigues!


would look great with his beret and the wings in my mark one pig!

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I just wear my normal clothes when showing the vehicle A, because they

cover to many earas and countries, B, i just want to relax and take it all

in, C, because the sauce from the burgers always drips onto your clothes.

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Depends on the show plus we are a loose knit group with no dress code. I usually wear DPM but make more effort at pure military shows over say a steam rally. At the BOAR rally in Belgium it is compulsory to wear green stuff, you are underdressed in the bar if you don't! DPM also hides burger sauce and red wine stains v effectively!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I put a contrary view to that generally expressed here?

Personally I believe that anyone can wear whatever they chose but someone wearing SS uniform for example is behaving in a way I personally cannot understand, unless it is only for filming or while in an arena. That said, my own choice are plain black, civilian overalls. As my vehicles are armoured I usually can't be seen but when I can be seen and am likely to be photo'd, say in an arena or road run then I might wear a black beret with a brass button on the front. No insignia or rank badges of any kind. I do this for one simple reason: I never earned the right to wear uniforms/insignia so I don't. As an aside, I have been asked to wear my late fathers medals at various veterans parades etc (he was chaplain to quite a few ex service organisations), on the right hand side of my chest but I have always and will always refuse to do so. I might be legally and morally able to do so but he earned them, not me so the most I will do is carry them in my hands. I enjoy seeing others in authentic kit but for me - no thanks!

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My clothing is base on practicality. Green lightweight trousers are cheap & comforatble. but for the middled aged are wonderful because you can keep your glasses in the side pocket without breaking them when you sit down unlike when you are wearing of jeans.


For shoes again nice cheap green trainers or more correctly "Shoes, Training, Fitnes, MT002". So the trousers & shoes sort of blend in. To demonstrate that I am not trying to wear a uniform but didn't manage to get it right. I favour a T-shirt this usually is vehicle related, which acts as a sort of advert for the vehicles of interest, in that sometimes a trader or enthusiast might iindicate they have some bits for sale I might be interested in.


Although I got caught once out when I was hunting for Vigilant missile kit. I had a shirt with "Vigilant kit wanted" Then several people asked me about it because they had not heard of such a kit, was it an Airfix one?


When it gets cold I wear a denim tank suit which must be quite rare as I got lots of offers when I wear it. That is offers to buy it off me. It was actually given to me by a now deceased member of 2RTR who had last worn it on Hornet/Malkara trials. So when I am with the Hornet it is quite compatable with it.


I have been given a Para Sqn RAC maroon beret to wear with the Hornet. but I will not wear it as I have not earned it. I am aware of the achievement that such a beret represents & regard it with respect.

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This year I've been attending events in my class A's on nice days, or A-2 flying jacket on the wetter summer days! Since my jeep is in 100th Bomb Group markings, I've been adding to my flying kit. I ordered a B-3 fleece flying jacket, and to go with that, I also bought a Type B-4 life preserver and HB-7 Headset.


Anyway, here I am at the North East Aircraft Museum in Sept '07.




and Lynne at the North Yorkshire Moors Railway War Weekend




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Hi all,

for me it has been civies, i feel i have not earned the right to wear a uniform (let alone insignia). Also may be 4 years at a military boarding school put me off wearing uniform :D


But just lately........ i have been purchasing some denims to wear with the vehicle, but have been shocked at the price of battle dress original and repro (and i only need the 49 patt.)

But for me weapons are still a no no



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