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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Thats a bit puzzling as you only had two sets of pioneer tools.Standard set.And a 58 set as fitted to 101,s

Its all wrong mark .pick helve blade the lot,what about that PSP.

good thing is though you can restore it put what you like on,job lot B&Q.

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Plenty more to come.I bet this job would now been done in booths,wearing noddy suits and respiratory gear.


We had convoys of vehicles coming through the workshops for painting at that time. The worst was a load of coaches that arrived from Germany, to be painted and with red crosses, for a Gurkha Transport unit. Masking all the windows, before they went to the sprayshop

Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
not really, oh all right then, spose we'll have to now we've started :rolleyes:

So would i let me know when you find it.:-D

Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
We had convoys of vehicles coming through the workshops for painting at that time. The worst was a load of coaches that arrived from Germany, to be painted and with red crosses, for a Gurkha Transport unit. Masking all the windows, before they went to the sprayshop

I am facinated by the logistics of all this.who decides whats wanted ,is it ready,is the right colour,how do we get there,we never spare a thought for those behind the scenes.

Plenty more to come.I


Yep, we have a way to go yet before you've posted all the pics from Land Rovers in the Gulf by Bob Morrison!

Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Yep, we have a way to go yet before you've posted all the pics from Land Rovers in the Gulf by Bob Morrison!


I am facinated by the logistics of all this.who decides whats wanted ,is it ready,is the right colour,how do we get there,we never spare a thought for those behind the scenes.



The first priority was painting the vehicles, when they left the sprayshop, they went to Inspections, who would then find repairs needing doing. I remember changing an engine in a 1 tonne ambulance (never know as 101 in army) and the paint was still sticky!


May have mentioned this before, but late one afternoon someone posed a problem, the Intelligence had Ser.3 LWB Rovers with normal canvas tilt, and they brought in some new full length Brownchurch roofracks. Fit them was the instruction, but no holes in the canopy, we came up with some supports that fitted over the body sides but allowed canopy to stay in position. They were ready to go next morning....the ship was waiting.


All sorts of strange things were done.

Yep, we have a way to go yet before you've posted all the pics from Land Rovers in the Gulf by Bob Morrison!


I was going to give old Bob the credits at the end.But seeing as most havent even heard of the book,and most werent in the MV scene when this was all going on,i thought i would post up some of the photos from the book.

Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Wheres the Range Rover pics we want to paint johns.?

I was going to give old Bob the credits at the end.But seeing as most havent even heard of the book,and most werent in the MV scene when this was all going on,i thought i would post up some of the photos from the book.



Mark - I am uneasy with posting of what I am sure has copywrite issues attached to it. You may want to drop Bob an email and ask him for his permission as he is in fact a member of HMVF.


Many thanks for your understanding.




I was going to give him full credits at the end.If it is going to cause copy right issues,then i am more than willing to stop posting.They are from a number of issues of LRO and other publications dating back to 1985.If you can forward me his user name.Then i will fire him off a e-mail asking for permission.

Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Afraid you can mate,the copywrite remains with the Photographer or who ever paid him for it.I have had this fight with the boat pics,But what the ruddy hecks a matter with you lot out there.i dont want to know where the pic came from and for crying out loud dont dob other people in.:n00b:If its a series of pics then by all means contact the owner of the copywrite.:goodidea:most i am sure wouldnt have a problem in granting it as basically most are exehibitionists and of course want there pics to be seen.Get a grip enjoy the pics keep shtuum.:idea:The Brixton Massive have spoken.:box::thanx:



Behave or Benny will pay you a visit:shake:

Posted (edited)

Here's Bob's home page with email address.



AFAIK he is sensitive about copyright. He posted elswhere he would like to re-publish some of his books but no-one will pay him enough! I have all of them myself already.

Edited by Marmite!!
Website link removed
Here's Bob's home page with email address.



Trouble is if you go there & follow the link to military scene, my security system feels it necessary to block the page. When you finish browsing all manner of advertising rubbish is left despite having a pop blocker turned on.

Trouble is if you go there & follow the link to military scene, my security system feels it necessary to block the page. When you finish browsing all manner of advertising rubbish is left despite having a pop blocker turned on.



Same here :(


Oh well.It wont be worth contacting him if he is touchy over copy right issues. I have already had quite a few e-mails from forum members stating that no one would have been any the wiser about the pics posted,until some bright spark decided to pop their head above the parapitpeepwall.gif, and tell all to gain a few browny pointskissass.gif.


My only intention was to post some pics of military Landrovers from publications that have been in the public domain,and that i have collected over the years,and not just from LandRovers in the Gulf.. At no point was i going to claim them as my pics.And at the end of the pics,i was going to give full credit to those concerned.


I would just like to state that this rant is in no know way directed at Jack or the other forum mods.


This thread has now becomee-needpics.gif


I shall now retire to the drawing room,where one shall sample the tipple of the commoners alcoholic fusion of Jack Daniels and Coca Cola!.

Oh well.It wont be worth contacting him if he is touchy over copy right issues. I have already had quite a few e-mails from forum members stating that no one would have been any the wiser about the pics posted,until some bright spark decided to pop their head above the parapitpeepwall.gif, and tell all to gain a few browny pointskissass.gif.



This is like saying if you steal a car that's ok as long as nobody knows where it came from and nobody misses it.

I have already had quite a few e-mails from forum members stating that no one would have been any the wiser about the pics posted,until some bright spark decided to pop their head above the parapitpeepwall.gif, and tell all to gain a few browny pointskissass.gif.





Mark - with respect, not really the sort of comment/statement that is in harmony with the forum and not something I would expect from an established member.


If you could remove the images until Bob has got back to you then it would be very much appreciated.


Many thanks,



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