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Foot in mouth time


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Has anyone ever said anything they later felt was a bit silly? I will start the trend off with mine.


I was talking to someone I wanted to meet up with at a show.

Me - "You can't miss my vehicle, it's camouflaged"

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Has anyone ever said anything they later felt was a bit silly? I will start the trend off with mine.


I was talking to someone I wanted to meet up with at a show.

Me - "You can't miss my vehicle, it's camouflaged"


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I said something years ago. My then bosses son was serving in the gulf war 1 and it had all kicked off a bit in the area he was in. I heard a report on the radio of a British plane that had been shot down, fortunately the crew had managed to eject out safely. I ran into the room (filled with people) and shouted loudly "one of our planes has just been shot down, but its ok the crew have ejaculated out safely" :-o :oops2:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I said something years ago. My then bosses son was serving in the gulf war 1 and it had all kicked off a bit in the area he was in. I heard a report on the radio of a British plane that had been shot down, fortunately the crew had managed to eject out safely. I ran into the room (filled with people) and shouted loudly "one of our planes has just been shot down, but its ok the crew have ejaculated out safely" :-o :oops2:




ERRRRRrr, yes,.......... :whistle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not exactly something I said, more what I did.

When we first got the internet, I had only heard about search engines, couldn't be too difficult though, just type in your choice of search and bingo.

"I am going to find us a forties dance to go to," I announce. Wifey is standing at my shoulder as I type in SWING. :oops: What came up on the screen can't be repeated here, but her ladyship was right on it. She bent herself so that her head was almost upside down and said: "See I told you that was possible!"

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Not exactly something I said, more what I did.

When we first got the internet, I had only heard about search engines, couldn't be too difficult though, just type in your choice of search and bingo.

"I am going to find us a forties dance to go to," I announce. Wifey is standing at my shoulder as I type in SWING. :oops: What came up on the screen can't be repeated here, but her ladyship was right on it. She bent herself so that her head was almost upside down and said: "See I told you that was possible!"





Along the same lines,............ ;-) I was compiling a leaflet for a course I was hosting for a local council, involving members of the public, to get involved in hedgelaying,...........nothing strange in that I agree, but, for refrence material, I typed in hedgelaying, into a certain search engine,...........left the room to make the tea, for the team, only to come back to them rolling around the floor in hysterics, wondering what i was searching for,........well the item that had come up,...was certainly NOTHING to do with the kinda hedgelaying I was going to be doing;..............

well, not in public, anyways,.......... :whistle: ;-) :oops:



Embarassing at the time, but funny to think of it now.................. :-D

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Broadcast over a certain Police forces radio net ' Your vehicle index number XXXXXXXXX Vulva, colour Green, recived' :whistle:


Whatever happned to the time of innocence when Muffin the Mule was considered childrens entertainment? :roll:

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Broadcast over a certain Police forces radio net ' Your vehicle index number XXXXXXXXX Vulva, colour Green, recived' :whistle:


Whatever happned to the time of innocence when Muffin the Mule was considered childrens entertainment? :roll:




:rofl: :rofl: :whistle:

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A few years ago, I worked at a college that was about to be knocked down and the site redeveloped into a new building and facilities to comply with modern building regulations and disabled access.


The deputy Principle was describing the development to our department and was rather excited about the potential in the............. "Brand New Spanking College" :-o


I think she got her words slightly mixed up!



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A few years ago, I worked at a college that was about to be knocked down and the site redeveloped into a new building and facilities to comply with modern building regulations and disabled access.


The deputy Principle was describing the development to our department and was rather excited about the potential in the............. "Brand New Spanking College" :-o


I think she got her words slightly mixed up!




Bet the applications went up though. :evil:
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Hi all,

a couple of years ago on being sent on an errand to the local supermarket , spotted a young lady walking towards me down one of the isle. On reading the the motto on her T-shirt it said "I DO HAVE A FACE YOU KNOW" so i looked up, smiled and carried on walking by :blush:

There was also a young lady at Beltring which had " Touch me" written on hers across the chest :eek2: :eek2:



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Did the black eye clear completly? Before the the days of assualt screens a bus driver had a women, with large breasts and a low cut blouse, and a couple of boysterous kids get on. The kid's were playing up, being sociable the driver said 'their a real handful' (meaning the kids) She hauled of and belted him right across the cab. :clap:

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Six-month UN tour of Cyprus, Sep 76 - Mar 77. The night life in Nicosia centred around Regina Street (it actually looked salubrious by day until you got into the dim dark deep recesses of the bars ...). The name by which it has always been known to squaddies does actually rhyme with Regina.


"You buy me drink, Johnny? I show you good time." It was all a con: they only wanted you to buy them a hideously expensive drink. Mind at the Black Cat Bar in Larnaca, some claimed you could smell the syphilis in the air.


At end of tour we got two weeks' disembarkation leave, which I spent at home in Co Durham (no it had become Tyne and Wear by then).


I'd read the Sunday paper and turned on the telly in the desperate hope that one of the three channels had something worth watching. Imagine my surprise when I found a programme about modern Nicosia. Me mother walked into the room just as I burst out, "Oh, look, it's [sounds like Regina] Street!"


She looked at me, unsure that she'd heard me right. She had, but quick as a flash, I told her, "Regina Street: some very nice street cafes, there you know?" She walked back into the kitchen and I removed foot from mouth.

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Six-month UN tour of Cyprus, Sep 76 - Mar 77. The night life in Nicosia centred around Regina Street (it actually looked salubrious by day until you got into the dim dark deep recesses of the bars ...). The name by which it has always been known to squaddies does actually rhyme with Regina.


"You buy me drink, Johnny? I show you good time." It was all a con: they only wanted you to buy them a hideously expensive drink. Mind at the Black Cat Bar in Larnaca, some claimed you could smell the syphilis in the air.


At end of tour we got two weeks' disembarkation leave, which I spent at home in Co Durham (no it had become Tyne and Wear by then).


I'd read the Sunday paper and turned on the telly in the desperate hope that one of the three channels had something worth watching. Imagine my surprise when I found a programme about modern Nicosia. Me mother walked into the room just as I burst out, "Oh, look, it's [sounds like Regina] Street!"


She looked at me, unsure that she'd heard me right. She had, but quick as a flash, I told her, "Regina Street: some very nice street cafes, there you know?" She walked back into the kitchen and I removed foot from mouth.





:whistle: :oops: :rofl:

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