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John F

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John F last won the day on November 23 2021

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  1. If anyone's wondering what the B.P. stands for, I suspect it's "Basses Pyrénées", the former name of the département "Pyrénées Atlantiques".
  2. I can't wait to see your Panzer at the Yorkshire Wartime Experience, Jon. It looks absolutely great.
  3. The Internet suggests France introduced right-hand traffic in 1795, so it seems strange they'd have right-hand drive cars in the 20th century. But they clearly did!
  4. Interesting that the French staff cars are right-hand drive. Is there a reason for this?
  5. I've got AdBlock Plus and uBlock Origin installed for Chrome, they completely block all ads on websites and YouTube. ABP is currently blocking one ad on this site, uBlock is blocking two ads. Definitely recommended!
  6. Ah, I touched on the subject back in November 2020 when I offered to translate some documentation for you (but you said your wife would do it for you).
  7. Excellent work as always, Jon. If you're unsure about any of the wording on items in the vehicle please feel free to get in touch, as I think you know I'm a German technical translator with particular interest in the equipment of WW2.
  8. I have read the whole story, I suppose I must have forgotten! I'll go back & re-check...
  9. Is there a reason you decided to fit an auto box instead of the original 6-speed manual, Jon?
  10. I can understand that... I used to live in France & Germany & did plenty of my own WW2 'field research' when I was over there :-)
  11. Thanks ruxy, I'll add those to my reading list. 31770, sorry for derailing your thread!
  12. Sounds interesting, please let me know the title if you find the book!
  13. All of this and much more is covered in Charles Higham's book "Trading With The Enemy", first published in 1983. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/682306
  14. Yep, I remember it still being used as a generic term in the 70s and 80s at least.
  15. The Internet suggests that FLIT was an American brand name from the 1920s... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLIT
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