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WW2 Vet met at the weekend....


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As some of you may know, my brother in law has just bought a GMC and we were picking up some gear from his house on Saturday when his neighbour came out and we all started to talk....


Turns out that this guy was rear gunner on the Swordfishes and flew from HMS Unicorn. A most extra ordinary gentleman and as always - very humbling. He is 88 and jumped into the cab at the speed of a man half his age.


Some people are just special - here's to you Dave.


width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Dave1.jpg[/img]

width=300 height=200http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/300px-Unicorn-g427411.jpg[/img]

width=300 height=225http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/300px-Fairey_Swordfish_on_Airfield.jpg[/img]



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Thats the great thing about these vehicles (of all ages)... they frequently draw you into fascinating conversations with fascinating people who would otherwise probably not speak...


Gunner on a Stringbag... A brave man :bow:



Stringbag yes! :-D


You are right Bodge - he said that he doesn't talk about the war as he thought that no one would be interested.


There was sadness in him as he spoke of his 21 year old brother who was lost over the Pacific flying a Hellcat - his mother never spoke of it until many many years after the war.

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You just never know do you?

You could pass him by in the street and never know of the extrodinary things he's seen and done... I always find it humbling and a privelidge when these chaps talk to me when i'm in the truck about seeing them using them reminising etc... & I've lost count of the number of times family members of the veterans come up after & say "he never talks about the war"

Gotta be one of the greatest perks about owning a Military Vehicle...


Love the Swordfish

My old man who owns quite a lot of woodland (stop drooling Jack)

has a vintage sawbench he uses for cutting up windfalls which has original Swordfish wheels and tyres on it. We gave the serial numbers to one of the chaps at the TFC Duxford who very kindly looked them up for us.

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On June 6th 2004 we had been on Omaha beach, we decided to walk back up the footpath leading to a campsite so we could look at the MVs there. On our way up the footpath we came across a small gathering of people, they were all listening to a veteren from America.

He had landed on Omaha 60 years ago as an 18yr old and this was his first visit back. He was very free with his information and said that although obviously there were more shops nowadays on the sea front, it still looked pretty much the same. Someone asked him if the films re D-Day were any where near close to the actual event. His reply......................

"Saving Private Ryan was nearest but you would still need to multiply the carnage by at least 10 to get the real picture"

He went on to say he made it all the way across the beach and never touched the sand once due to the bodies and injured. It then took him the rest of the day to climb up the sea walls.

I have a photo of him with our 2 boys on his lap.

I will never forget the sadness in his eyes as he was telling his story, it was right deep down into his soul. God bless him and a huge thank you I say.


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