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Movie re-enactment group


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Have had to overnight in hotels in France recently - so have watched 'Anzio', 'The Battle of the Bulge', 'Patton' and a few others recently.


Wouldn't it be great to have a group that re-enacted late 60's Hollywoods' idea of WW2 instead of trying to be accurate?


All we need is:

2xPatton tanks (1 green, 1 grey)

2xHalf tracks, 2xGreyhounds (1 of each green/grey)

2xJimmy's (1 green, 1 grey)

An assortment of US artillery pieces (grey/green)

Some 'Americans' in M41 jackets, vests, M51 trousers and cigars of course. Their job would be to chew gum and refer to everyone as 'Mac'

Some 'Germans' in wellies, PASGT helmets and East European Border Guard jackets (possibly with monocles). Their role is of course to repeat 'for you Tommy ze var ist ofer!' and 'Achtung, Shpitfeur!'.


I suppose we should throw in an English bloke - who should of course have an Eton accent, a Labrador, a HUGE moustache and a pipe. He should say, 'I say old boy' a lot and arrive everywhere 10 minutes after the Americans have reduced somewhere to rubble.


Would save a lot of messing about and most of the public wouldn't know the difference...... :-D

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We must be able to come up with something worse than that.


I have a chamber pot I was thinking of using as a Jerry lid, and have taught my son the John Cleese walk (don't mention the war!) so we could do German - all I need is some American kit painted grey or possibly a bren gun (see 'The Longest Day') to make it authentic (or not) :-D

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LMFAO - great thread!


Can I be a German please as I can speak fluent German - heres an example;


'alright mate, auctung mate........come here' but I do have a slight American accent - to the layman, you would think I was American - am I in??

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You either have to speak German but supply subtitles, or what passes for English in Hollywood, with Lieutenant Grubers accent from 'Allo 'allo (i haff a little tank).


A friend of mine does a great British Officer, complete with huge moustache (a false one stuck on top of his real moustache!).


A warning though, anyone carrying a picture of their wife/children/dog in their wallet has to die before the end of the show!

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Can I be a gruff 'n' gritty sargeant who reassures the greenhorns they'll do their moms proud and then gets it in the last few minutes of the battle after singlehandedly taking out a Patton erm Tiger firing a 3.5 inch bazooka from the hip.... I've got me own cardboard tube 'n' everything!

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OK - if we are talking about roles then can put my name down as the guy who gets shot at close range - dances up and down on the spot for a few minutes, does a couples of back flips, jumps around for a few seconds more and then falls forward...........I want to be that man!

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Chaps, there is a danger that this group is not being taken seriously - I will not be accepting anyone who isn't a rivet counter, or a least a kicker of tyres. Re-enacting is a serious business after all, it's not meant to be fun!


The entrance exam shall be thus - I will show you the first 5 minutes of an elderly war film and you have to guess who will be dead before the end!




1. Anyone who owns a dog - :died:

2. Anyone on the verge of getting married - :died:

3. The co-pilot, NOT the pilot - :died:

4. Anyone acting as a father figure to a new recruit - :died:

5. Anyone who's name appears in the opening credits - :died: (except in The Battle of Britain, who would have guessed that Michael Caine would go while the bloke from Lovejoy makes it?! Mind you, it was a British film I think)



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Ah...a trick question...


They all 'get it'


We also need a platoon of 'Jerry' who are all completely stone deaf and couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun let alone a Patton... erm Sherm'... er.. Tiger...


I'm confused now... need to lie down


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I may be able to help here - :-D

We also need a platoon of 'Jerry' who are all completely stone deaf and couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun let alone a Patton... erm Sherm'... er.. Tiger...


I know one Jerry who is always stone deaf when asked to do anything around the house. :whistle:


As for the Barn Door/shotgun thing - it would depend on how far he would need to throw the shotgun to hit the barn door. :dunno:


He does have his own black rubber wet suit ............



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Can I be the one from 'A Bridge Too Far' that carries an umberella instead of a rifle? I have a (deactivated) unbrella already.


Robert Davey


PS. Don't all Germans say 'Mein Gott' or 'Himmell' when they get shot? The British seem to just say 'Tell my Wife..............'



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I would also like to work behind the scenes to - so can I be the guy in charge of putting the blue filters over the camera lense so it looks like it is filmed at night.


.........I will the shadows at a later date

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Have you chaps got access to a Messerschmitt Taifun that could stooge around pretending to be an FW 190 ? Not forgetting of course that you'll need a Piper Cub painted olive green and another one in grey 'cause then they look just like Fiesler Storchs.


If you need someone to demolish a road block with a sidecar outfit and end up upside down, I can do that with my eyes closed (and they certainly will be !)

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While on the subject of aircraft, you'll need a selection or North American T-6 Texan trainers, painted olive drab with stars being Mustangs, and grey with crosses for any German aircraft.


A mock up cockpit needs to be also made for pilot shots, but of a size more resembling a greenhouse than a cockpit.


We also need a dummy to be thrown out of a plane for the pilot parachuting to safety. Anyone want to be the dummy???



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Ok - seeing as I will be working in the props department I can supply you with the 'smoke pipe' (as we call it in the trade) you would of seen these in the past.


Basically they are a single pipe that sticks out the back of the plane that simulates the engine being shot up. We don't like to stick it near the front of the plane as this would be to realistic so we tend to duck tape it at the back of cockpit.


Just come and find me when you need it.

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Who is brave enough to paint an M3 half-track plain grey and put a big black cross on it? This is a wonderful idea. All the Germans have to wear big WW1 pattern (or Irish army) coalskuttle helmets with the bolts (for the rare visors). They must be a bit fat and have oversized badges. Everyone has a "Schmeisser" and the officers have 1898 Mausers or Lugers. Definitely no flektarn or mottled camo. Everyone has an old WW1 bayonet.


The yanks can wear anything as long as they have an approximately correct helmet. This means my 1970s Bundeswehr model is perfect. This is re-enacting I can do!!! Wouldn't all the yanks have to have an M1 carbine or a M3 grease gun???


As for the Brits, well - the officers and NCO's would all say "I say" and be jolly brave but inept. The troops would all have next to no kit in an American production. Perhaps they''d all have Sten guns. Maybe we could all talk like Don Cheadle in Oceans 11, 12 and 13.........."blindin'!"


I genuinely think this could work. Totally stupid. I could even paint a German cross on my Iltis! But we'd have to be stupid. All it needs is bits of kit hanging off. I've always liked The Train - great film - it has all kinds of American and French kit in "German" hands.


Keep this going.....


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