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Military Records searching



Hi all,


Maybe a stupid question, but hopefully not that stupid ;)


I am looking for a site where I can research ww2 military records for UK servicemen/women, without having to pay £3 - £10 atime, to see something that may or may not actually be related to my actual search. I have tried quiet a few, but they all want money as soon as it starts getting interesting, and then offer no more than what I already know....


Any ideas? is there such a thing as a fee research site for this? I need to search all Army, Navy and RAF records, on hopefully one site.... A tall order I guess :-(





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Thanks for your answer Runflat,


I think I may have tried that site already, and ended up directed to a "pay to see" site through the various links. But will have another shot at it.


Thank again


Bodders ;)

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The fact is that WW2 service records are not yet in the public domain and apart from the servicemen themselves who can apply for a free copy, all others have to pay £30 and there is no possible way for full records to be put on the internet.


Regrettably, as the UK institutions seem reluctant to computerise their own records, when the time comes they're most likely to make another secret deal with the Mormons and allow 'Ancestry' exclusive rights to our own records. The bloody Mormons of course, as well as being interested in the post-mortem baptism of our ancestors, are also interested in profit so that they can pay more of their damned-nuisance 'missionaries' to hassle us.


Rest assured that when WW2 records are computerised, they won't be free or even cheap. In the meantime, a good number of servicemen from the period are still alive and might not want to discuss with their Grandchildren the time spent in a Cairo hospital being treated for the 'clap'

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Rest assured that when WW2 records are computerised, they won't be free or even cheap. In the meantime, a good number of servicemen from the period are still alive and might not want to discuss with their Grandchildren the time spent in a Cairo hospital being treated for the 'clap'


Thats the reason why they shouldn't be sold off while any remaining soldiers from that era r still alive.


All departments of the government should still have to abide with the data protection act, whether they do or not.... well thats a different matter.


If this information is going to sold should it not have to go through some kind of quasi public tendering process?


Have you thought of using the freedom of information act to ask what the governments intentions r for this data. Don't ask don't get.


Whoever gets the information ain't likely to give it away free to many suck... willing to pay

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