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gas 44

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Has that got your attention :-D.

Hi my names Gary,opo's name is Steve hence the username gas 44, (g for Gary a for and,s for Steve,"44" being the year of our GMC.)

When I say virgins of course I mean MV virgins. Athough been interested in mv's for a number of years we have never really had the time to do anything about it.As time marches on and THAT age approaches we decided to do something about it about 12 months ago.

So after looking at some real rubbish we found what looked to be a reasonable bet. We were not looking for a full nut and bolt ground up restoration project. Niether of us has that sort of time at the moment,more of a sympathetic restoration,a bit here and a bit there and maybe a paint job. For us at this time its more important to get out and about as leisure is at a premium.

So when we arrived in Dorset about six weeks ago the Gmc on offer seemed about right. The present owner (at that time),had been totally in love with it but agreed that it looked a little tied and need a good next home.

Well let me tell you Jack its found one!!!! So the cats out of the bag,its your very own Jack Beckett's old motor.

Jack will be the first to agree it does need some attention,lights,flashers,wipers,exhaust,but to name a few.

However,all in all a solid start,so thanks Jack,and hope to see you soon.



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Welcome aboard guys and please please do not take any notice of the stick you are just about going to get - I will stick up for you so too will other superior GMC truck owners!!

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Welcome Gents

Good to see the Beckettmobile has gone to a loving home

First JB Virgin soldier, now you chaps... she's gonna get a reputation if she's not carefull:cool2:


Did Jack give you the bag of Volts that are supposed to go with the truck that he never seemed to get round to fitting properly (they kept dribbling out all over his drive and shocking the frogs and hedgehogs in has garden).

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Welcome in. How your auto electric skills? You'll be able to write a PHD by the time you've finished.

Boy's and thier toys.:-D


Getting better,I think :-D The electrics (at this stage seem quite straight forward) BUT I am NO proffesional.

I tend to think that i will get a complete loom and rewire the whole thing.Frayed cotton 66 year old cable and petrol don't seem to go together very well .


Its more of what is required road legal wise I'm struggling with :nut:



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Getting better,I think :-D The electrics (at this stage seem quite straight forward) BUT I am NO proffesional.

I tend to think that i will get a complete loom and rewire the whole thing.Frayed cotton 66 year old cable and petrol don't seem to go together very well .


Its more of what is required road legal wise I'm struggling with :nut:




Petrol? It never had much of that in it when Jack ran it........

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Welcome to you both glad to see the trucks going to get a sort out, did jack throw in the pink cushion for the truck !!!


Hiya,now that is a disapointment NO pink cushion must have a word with Jack about that.I feel as if we have missed out :-D.

Re the sorting out,ATM we are stripping the cab to sort out the rust in the normal places :laugh:. Really just to get the cab a little more comfortable (if that the right phrase for an old MV :undecided:). As I have stated before we're not really looking to do a "full" resto job,just sorting a few things out. There are a couple of jobs that I had not planned on doing but hey- ho that's the nature of the beast I think. Suprised just how easy a lot of the bolts are coming off :-D.

Considering taking the old girl to W&P,anyone else going from here ?


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