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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Note:: Wheel cylinders are handed, big bore forward. Have you re-centerd the shoes? Use a feeler gauge as per manual then adjust shoes up on snail cams. I found it easier to adjust the snail cams with both front wheel of the ground. The system was designed to be power bleed, and after bleeding did you release the rear right niplle and depress brakes once to create the air gap in the master?
  2. And the 1960's door bell on the 1960's door by the 1960's gagrage door. :yawn:
  3. Welcome, you seem to cover all intrests. Enjoy yourself.
  4. Send me some!! I know some people I'd LOVE to to see finding them on their seats! :cool2:
  5. Wrong, The German's did have operational helicopters, just not Bells. :-D What P***** me off is such things as Claymore mines flattening buildings.
  6. My new Fu... camera has , as stated in the handbook! A silent , low light setting, for discreet use in places such as musuems. :cool2:
  7. Now you need a pork chop and a pair of sheer tights!:cool2: Strictly speacking only full calf leather should be boned, and a Deer's shank bone is the best. But boil up a flat pork chop bone till all meat is removed (You can eat it first). The outside edge of the curve of the bone can then be used to wrok the polish into the leather, and also smooths out bumps in the leather. If you want to be cheap, nasty and quick about it, heat the bottom of a teaspoon and work over dents and bumps. The tights? Once you have worked the polish in with a cloth(Brushes!! ARGGH, spawn of Satan!) Then use fast light strokes with the nylon, wear sunglasses to protct your eyes from the glare! :-D To help preserve the leather waterproof ing and suple, for every three coats of polish add a very light coat of hard pure glycerine saddle soap. a lot of cheap polishes are spirit based, this dries the leather over time. Also helps to leave boots in the airing cuboard overnight before polishing, opens the grain in the leather. Beau Brummel the Regency dandy recommends a mixture of soot, egg yolks and champange to polish boots and shoes.
  8. Jackal with end user kit fitted.The 4x4 version Lord Mayor's Parade 2008
  9. Tony B

    Nuts & Bolts

    Britsh pipe threads fit the top of a Dodge master cylinder, thnkfully. Makes for an easy fitting for a pressure bleder.
  10. Welcome Rob, good choice of vehicle.
  11. Wipe down LIGHTLY with meths. that will take all the dead polish off. Get a tin of GOOD polish I'd recommend Kiwi Parade gloss. Open tin, now fun bit, apply match to the polish , when it alight and melted drop lid back on, before it solidifies work polish into bare patches. Eddy's got the right idea, chose something good on telly or muxic, honestly a great way to wind down.
  12. May be worth getting everything weighed on a certified bridge.
  13. that really is a lovley job. The Tilly is such an underated vehicle. Watch most British 1950's black and white films, there is a Tilly rattaling about somewhere, carrying ladders or builders tools. Most just got worked to death and dumped. Congratulations on saving an iconic vehicle.
  14. Damm near went out the widow! Horrible hot sensation and smell of smoke.:shocked: Was driving a Landy at the time, that got left to it's own devices and ended half up and half in the stable muck heap before stalling. My delightful ex and the rest of the people about were some help. when they'd stop laughing. Not one of best moments.
  15. Collapsed brake lines, have you thought of using cupro nickel brake pipe? Once fitted it is garunteed for the life of the vehicle, so it will be your great grandkids problem. It is also more ductile than steel so easier to fit. To (again) quote my old Mentor Howard, 'a bugger if they don't go a disaster if they don't stop. And whe you consider most old vehicles suddenly stopping are down to electrics, the electronic makes a hell of a dffrence.
  16. Rosie! I'm suprised you don't know Grannies old trick with loathsome childeren. Saock his dummy in gin! :-D
  17. My experience with this type of problem: When you light your piipe and throw the match away, OPEN the dammed widow first!:nut:
  18. As for the shaft. Soack a rag in mix of disiel and engine oil. wrap round shaft them tape on some palstic sheet over the top and leave. Has a side benifit of losening rust.
  19. Have agood day!! Enjoy plenty of cake and coke. Lucky **&^$% on you it never shows! :-D
  20. Hey Chaing Bill, It was fine when I took it out of the Garage!! :shocked:
  21. Top one 'OH SH..T! That's what comes of HMVF. I blame the Merlin in vehicles thread. Second one: Dr Who should never have asked Jack's advice on the TARDIS electrics!
  22. I know mate!! Alice is a near neigbour, her son Darren and I have been friends for years! Might ... ohhh feeeling veeery poooorly , cough, cough... :cool2: The other one worth trying to get to is the Flying Proms at Headcorn, real magic!!
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