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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Nothing that hasn't been suggested before! :cool2: Feild excersise. Out in the middle of the night, the Army team came across some tracks. 'Cow' they decided and pushed on. The RAF team took longer and decided 'Horse' The Navy team were still trying to get their land legs so just staggered on The Marienes were discussing the problem when the train hit them!
  2. I've heard the argument about greasing springs over the years. Everything from the springs will rot if you do/don't, to it being a cause of F***ing in church. Yet I can't recall ever seeing in a manual instructions to grease the leaves.
  3. Great stuff Alistar, it meant the old guys thought what was important to them went to someone who would care for it , not just see the £££££signs. I've ben lucky enough to get given stuff, beacuase you show the interest. What I can't use I make sure goes to somone I know, and trust, that will put it back in context.
  4. Problem is Steve, one happy camper may tell one other, one unhappy camper will make sure it is spread around!
  5. Regardless of vehicle type, the 'murk' is about. Such as selling Great War helmets at a boot sale aserting there was still 'skin and brains in them'. Pushing the Forum Hymn Sheet. It's a duty on all of us to present the good honest side!
  6. Whatever happned to old skills? One of the first thing Howard taught me was to make gaskets from brown paper. Amazing what brown paper will put up with. As for Asbestos, having seen the effect of the stuff on a late much missed friend, I don't want to know!
  7. Tony B


    Good old Unimog is a lot of fun, and a Champ! But get a skilled driver to demonstrate Fifty backwards! :cool2: Do you actually let the punters drive? Brave man!
  8. Croc, I tried the hand primer in line on my Range Rover, bring fitted with a 2.8 Isuzui the one pain in the A** is if you need to bleed it. I got genuine disiel ones a fair bit of research , and the **** things kept splitting! :banghead: I tried two both split the same way after about a week. I have gone back to tow start if nessacary. So I'm not impressed by them. One useful electric pump I've found is the old Mini type 6 to 8 psi. Seems to work quite happily on a number of old engines.
  9. Tony? Since when do you need reassurance? I'm green with envy at the work you have done. Love to see and ride in her one day.:flowers:
  10. Very true Neil, but not the day, AT THE TIME OF EXAMINATION. I've had a van pass with no problem and blow a brake pipe on the way home! All of about two miles.
  11. Though a hard gloss finish on the mucky hard to reach bits has its advantages.
  12. Makes you wonder how the vehicles originally handled the battlefeild conditions. Were the brakes original? If so surley after 90 years the metal had crystallised a bit.
  13. OH!!! Family forum remember! :cool2:
  14. Welcome Arjan, you have come to the right place.
  15. Stop pushing Mike!! there is already enough hassle taking a Military vehicle through France! They only need an excuse to start picking on British registered Toyota pick ups! :-D Should be more buissnes for Belgium ports though.
  16. Very useful place, they also supply the transparent material to make stencils. http://www.flints.co.uk/acatalog/info.html
  17. Carful we'l both have to dodge the flak! :cool2:
  18. hi Terry, where abouts is your draughty little shed? You're always welcome to or pallatial club house. EP 90 on tap. Steam cleaner , dancing girls (When the Dutch stop annexing them!) Ferret racing in the evenings, oddles of fun.
  19. I know what you mean Richard. I didn't find the info in any other manual. The bleeder is a useful tip. You know how difficult it is to get at the top of the master and keep a regular flow of fluid. I modified the Gunson, and just used about 5 psi. Keeps the cylinder topped up. Unfortunatley the manual I have is on disc so I can't copy the releveant bit and post. The other thing worth mentioning is if you play with the wheel cylinders on a Dodge replace the copper sealing washers bettween the tubes and cylinder block. I put the wrong sized one on one of Katy's cylinders. Bad news I have to do the whole wheel again! :banghead:
  20. Straight out of TM 9- 808 Richard. Page 291 paragraphs 151 and 152 A. Fluid level 3/4 inch from top of master and pressure bleeder. I use a Gunson with the hose fitted through a BSP thread reducer.
  21. Wel if you want to chance your 'arms' :-D http://ldd.lego.com/
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