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Everything posted by Topdog

  1. If you have a set of bins from different contractors they often do not fit together properly.
  2. Thinking of making the 105 into a self propelled gun are you? Just strap a Merlin to it.
  3. Dare I suggest running it fairly often even if only for a few minutes. Having said that, i also use a 24v charger for a mobility cart. From ebay about £15. Dave
  4. I dont think the cost was a concern to him..............
  5. R Cubed that is a brilliant job and without wishing to sound rude - who cares what tyres are on it. There is no-one on here who isnt a little envious of the job you have done. Good luck to you and I cant wait to see it.
  6. Does this one fit? - Nah, needs to be a bit bigger. When I measure stuff, I use the nearest whole number and then add or subtract a bit.
  7. When I hit my mid-life crisis and bought the Ferret 3 years ago I had no idea it would lead to such fun and generally a great bunch of mates on here.
  8. Is that the list of things you forget or the list you remember to take..............
  9. I have just found mouse damage in my garage - fortunately they only did a carpet and not the vehicle.
  10. Yes, we had to use controlled bursts in order to qualify - that was 1981. I had to fire bursts of 1 round because I am naturally left handed.
  11. Dummy mills grenades available from Beltring or the web for about £5 each with a haggle. They look the part. Real Mills bombs are big money. There is a guy at W+P every year who sells good ones for £50 each. They were taken out of a lake years ago and have been repainted but all the bits are there and comes apart nicely, made by Gault if I remember correctly.
  12. Well done Griff, some serious scrubbing going on there
  13. Went there a couple of years ago. It knocks Bovvy into the dust to be honest.
  14. Me too Griff, I just need to get some welding done, then it is down to JD for some sanding stripping and throw some paint at it.
  15. I am sure that there is a pictorial thread on here about how to do the job from a few months back. Maybe someone who is good at searching.........
  16. WAIT Mask off all the leads as they spark like a B@@@@@@d and burn through insulation. Even when one lead is disconnected it is still live through the other battery. Someone will be on here soon to tell you which lead to take off first. Dave
  17. Still waiting an update on that me old mate......................... John Guppy is going to call you about transporting his scorpion.
  18. If it wont fit in the Ferret tray it must be HUGE.
  19. A very humble great leader of men. RIP.
  20. Thats what I like about this mob. Always willing to help folks out. Mike are you really thinking of selling? Why?
  21. Isnt it great what knowledge is on this forum
  22. Not booked yet Robert, still need to contact them and get together with Val's diary.
  23. I want one, I want one.............where from?
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