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Everything posted by Topdog

  1. Brilliant vehicle, well done. Deffo H licence though, it doesnt matter about the steering. Dave
  2. Sorry about the quality of the photos, its only an old phone. Must take the camera next time.
  3. A couple of photos of the ARRV. Mark and I did a bit of work today and the inside is looking a lot tidier. We have had trouble in lubricating the bowden cables though. We put a gallon of paraffin into the fire extinguisher, pumped it up to 150 psi, connected the tube to the end of the bowden cable and released the pressure. You would have thought it would go in with no trouble but after half a cup it has stopped. Its still under pressure so we have left it to soak. Its going to come out somewhere......
  4. Yep, I can really see certain trailer using sections of the community complying with this. If a stolen trailer is being used which does not comply - do you think the original owner could be sued?
  5. Just checking Griff, you are not putting it in the Ferret are you????????????
  6. If that is the one with hull number 1 then well done. You will learn a lot getting all the jobs done. A historic Ferret that one.
  7. The locals in Medway, especially the Poles use anything they can get but it tends to be in older "R" reg sort of stuff. Filter it properly and maybe add a bit of real diesel. I certainly would not want to risk a modern engine but an old Landrover - give it a go.
  8. Trouble? Nah mate, just checking the tyres..........
  9. Hmm, I was going to offer some of my fathers D-Day stuff to the museum. Not quite so sure now.
  10. To lubricate cables, cut the finger tip off a vinyl glove, pull it over the end and tie tightly. Pull the body of the glove up and fill with plusgas. Tie glove end, squeeze tight and let the pressure and gravity do the work.
  11. Ahhh, that will be what happened to mine a couple of years ago then. The Ferret is kept outside all year. Cheers Andy
  12. Its ok Eddie but No, that is the tunnel under the clocktower. Pat Reid came out of a small air vent to the cellar.
  13. Unfortunately pictures of the Pat Reid escape hole and the main courtyard did not upload properly.
  14. I have just returned from a brief trip to Dresden, Germany where the whole object of the visit was to visit Colditz Castle. As a boy I was brought up on the Pat Reid books, Tv series and the films. With it being behind the Iron Curtain, I never thought that a visit would be possible but it is. The (East) Germans were never told what part it played during the war and they are only now beginning to realise how much European and British interest there is in the site. It is owned by the state of Saxony and they are in the process of renovating it. They are still discovering caches and hides containing contraband and escape items. Colditz Entrance Look at the number of attempts the Brits made Glider Plans Airey Neave Escape Hole Escape Tools German Quarters There are more pics to come if people want. The visit is well worth while and the atmosphere amazing. Channel 4 is doing a follow up film next year to the one where they made a repro of the glider and flew it. They are hoping to fly an actual glider from the roof, launching it with a bath of rubble as per the original plans.
  15. I had a call from Mark Heliops today and popped down to the barn to see his new project. All I can say is "Its BIG". Good luck mate but it all seems to work. Actually, with a bit of hard work it will be a great display piece, you know the number to call for a hand.
  16. I like the way the oleo legs compress fully as he bottoms out the collective trying to glue it to the deck until chain crew are in place.
  17. Bought very little this year, A bren cover £10 Chromed Mills grenade £30 Couple of jackets and shirts £40 Sold badge collection £260 profit Sold Bren gun £80 profit Used a shed load of fuel in the new 432 around the arena. GRIN. Generally not the best Beltring for a variety of reasons but it was the cheapest.
  18. I've got the HMVF flag on the aerials. Just hope some git doesn't steal them this year. My neighbour lost his aerials on the last afternoon
  19. Mike, you worry me sometimes.................... see you at W&P, Dave
  20. Topdog


    Would anyone on here be interested in a short aluminium ladder to ease access to their vehicle. Cost would be between £5 - 10. Lengths available are any reduction on a 16 foot length and an 8 foot length. Can deliver to Beltring. Will need committment before I start cutting. Dave
  21. I have got the same problem but until it arrives home and I can work on it, I have got a short length of ladder from fleabay. Get up, pull it up and chuck it on top. Keep it inside when not in use.
  22. Griff, i have just had mine refused by the local post office but went to another and had no problem. It still depends on who is behind the counter. Edit - The vehicle was a 1958 Ferret + Form V112G
  23. Topdog

    What to buy

    Oh dear, my £25 premium bond win just is not going to make up the difference.
  24. No problem in bringing them in to the country
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