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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. It's better to mount an electric pump as close to the tank as possible, or at least in a gravity fed supply. Modern petrol, especially winter grades, doesn't like being sucked. You can get into vapour locking problems upstream of the pump.
  2. Brilliant! Nice find Tim, I too have been looking for years for a pic of one of mine with no luck
  3. I think it now means Another Vehicle for Ricks Entertainment......
  4. Yep, 25 pdr cartridges, 8 to a box, they should have a divider riveted just below the top. Ammo boxes were 'service colour' in reality green or brown, usually the latter. Smoke rounds came in bright green boxes. The letter indicates the original use. B for bombs, C for cartridges, M for mines, P for projectiles etc. Some boxes were used for many different things over time, B166 and M104 in particular. No book afaik but a fairly good list on BOCN. http://www.bocn.co.uk/vbforum/threads/27615-Consolidated-List-Of-Containers Nice boxes btw!
  5. British armour was metric, we used to buy a lot of it from Austria and continued with metric thicknesses. You will probably need a nickel wire but a test weld is the only way to be sure, trying different techniques to see which works best.
  6. I went on Wednesday, arriving at 08.55 after a three hour run, A12, M25, M20 all the way, absolutely no problems. Left site at 20.00 and had a clear run home, though M20 eastbound looked horrendous. I think I timed it just about right, though more by luck than judgement!
  7. Your traverse will be on it's way in the morning!
  8. I think that is a Radar body, intended to fit a variety of different chassis hence the long wheelarch.
  9. It looks like a rebound pad from the top of an axle. The spring u bolts go over the ends.
  10. They don't look anywhere big enough for a 425! I would suspect 30-06 or a 7.92.
  11. I don't think they have actually made any of the tracks listed yet but they are setting up to do so.
  12. Couldn't agree more Ruxy! Having said that, if the Tank Museum were told 'they're yours if you come and get them' what could they do, they do not have the budget to transport or restore them and the days of tasking an RCT unit to do it are long gone. If they passed it on to others, they might not get offered something next time that they really could do with. The phrase 'sh1t happens' comes to mind but at least you are better prepared for a future opportunity Rick!
  13. My mates Dingo is with me at the moment with its belly plates off. I can draw them up for you or make you a set.
  14. I remember showing my licence in the US in 1987, all the girls in the office wanted to take a look at it, they couldn't believe we had such an enormous sheet of paper with no real ID on it!
  15. Tube no 5 is the crankcase breather, the small one next to it is the radiator overflow. The hole in the grill with the washer behind it at position 4 is for the auxiliary generator exhaust.
  16. That labelling looked stencilled to me when I looked.
  17. It wasn't Chatty driving the tank, it was Nick.
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