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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Episcope No5 (7 no) and No6 (1 no) fit the first two types of all round vision cupola, as used in Cromwell, Churchill and Comet. The later type in Cent uses No 7 and 8 ISTR. They look very similar but are slightly fatter. It might be that there is no 8 and they also use a 6 but I would have to look it up! Having looked it up, I was right. Easy to pick up the wrong ones at a show......
  2. Episcopes were used in the all round vision cupolas fitted from 1944 in Cromwells, Churchills and Comets.
  3. The Valentine lubrication chart calls for brake fluid no. 3.
  4. The seals were unlikely to be natural rubber if mineral oil was the original filling, the two are not compatible. Cromwell etc. use a composite seal to allow the use of mineral oil.
  5. Nice to see so many faces, old and new. Thanks to Iain for suggesting it in the first place and thanks to all who came. Was good to see a couple of very nice vehicles, pity the weather wasn't better but not too bad for January 2nd!
  6. Mendlesham is only 25 mins, even by Landrover...... Cups would be good if you have some. You can't miss my place, though no tanks in the field at present!
  7. If people want to arrive earlier than 2.00, that's fine.
  8. Paul and Jerry, the more the merrier! Lots of room, as to what to bring, it was all Iain's idea, I know nothing....... Just bring yourselves.
  9. I first heard about the new days during last summer and indeed saw it confirmed on the W&P stand at Combined Ops. So, yes, you are slow Mark! I think it's a good idea, gives people more time to get home.
  10. All welcome, address for those who haven't been before is IP137EH. Easy to find, big sheds, much junk!
  11. Iain, my daughter is 8 in six weeks time so I'm sure she will entertain your little one! Looks like it will be a small turnout but that's fine.
  12. I have a pair I would exchange for good Dunlop Trak Grips.
  13. To have a 10" stroke with a 7" closed height, it must be two stage. I can't remember seeing a two stage jack that small but I'll have a look through my pile of jacks.
  14. 26th might be tricky being Boxing Day but the others are fine. Biscuits? Bring biscuits and you can come when you like!
  15. All welcome to come to my place and peer at my junk, usually free Saturday afternoons.
  16. Plymax. Cromwell turret basket floor is made from it.
  17. From a link posted on another thread, this gives some alternatives. Ignore the appearance on your screen but the comparison might help. I would be surprised if BS381C has even been heard of in the US.
  18. Well it's wireless equipment, probably an aerial stay. Chris will probably give chapter and verse!
  19. I made no mention of Air Ministry Brown, whatever that is. AFAIK, Dark Earth was an Air Ministry colour as used on aircraft together with Dark Green. The Army brown was SCC2 which seems to be a matt version of Service Brown. Dark Earth is a bit lighter than Service Brown in matt finishes. Service Brown in gloss finish is very dark brown.
  20. Surely Dark Earth is an Air Ministry colour and is certainly lighter than Service Brown.
  21. All Pionairs were DC-3s, just not all DC-3s (by a long way) were Pionairs!
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