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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. I am totally confused now. So Jack isn't Jack. Scary. You think you know a bloke..... The mods have a few other names for him as well.
  2. Me too. What a sight. Great stuff.
  3. I'll be in touch. Cheers Barrie!
  4. Still hoping to make an appearance of some sort. No MUTT - can't drive and it needs a MOT. Really disappointed. All I am driving at the moment is myself mad - stir crazeeeeee. I have got some nice crutches, though. Gutted of Westcliff out.
  5. Be brave..go by MUTT ! Welcome Barrie. I have a M151A2. My pride and joy. I'd be very interested to learn more about your radio set up. Best wishes, Mark
  6. All I need is a lottery win. MB
  7. My brief days as a volunteer at DX are filled with happy memories of all the Warsaw Pact stuff. I blame Pete Plume, he was such a bad influence on me. MB
  8. Thanks for posting this info - very useful. Cheers, Mark
  9. Have fun and let us know how you get on. Good luck with your purchase! Mark
  10. Good call - I was unsure. Either way they are a bloody amazing sight. Thank you for the correction.
  11. That sounds like a KF shirt...and hey, have you been talking to my mates?:shake:
  12. Cheeky uckfer, I don't need a leotard - I need a zimmer frame. I'd like a t-shirt of some sort - or a polo shirt. Hats are hit and miss on me. I agree with the idea of a big design on the back and something more subtle on the front. No cammo please - something tasteful which befits my age and distinction. MB
  13. Su-100s or SU-85s, who cares...it was amazing. Looks to me like they have dozens of the things. It beggars belief. I agree - I'm sure Rex can swing it. Trouble is would we want them to go back home after? M
  14. Thats all we need - bloody Bob and Doug McKenzie passing round the back bacon. Welcome to the friendly forum. MB
  15. Incredible. Perhaps they're sick of Crocodile Dundee or Skippy? I say it again:Incredible. Definite grounds for complaint and something we can give some voice to methinks. This is an international forum - we have no overt bias, so it would be nice to hear from the museum to see where this ruling comes from...though it sounds more like a State Department thing to me. MB
  16. Another gem, Tony. It looks lovely. The best thing is you have something different. Congratulations on all your hard work. MB
  17. Got my entry through -cheers lads. I hope to be there, but still cannot drive and have had no chance to get the MUTT MOT'd. It might be that I have to come without the MV. But it largely depends on my recovery, I need to be back at work. MB
  18. Agreed, something different. I like the AMX-13.... Great to see some variety out on the go... MB
  19. What a beast...great to see it coming along. Good man, Simon. MB
  20. I've just been bundled round the Ypres Salient in a wheelchair by a gang of loons. So, I'm ready for anything. Cheers, lads! MB
  21. Dom, You have to find our camp at W & P and say hello. It will be great to meet you. I'm sure some of the chaps will be able to advise with ideas. Safe skies. MB
  22. I've just managed to damage my injured leg/ankle again in another silly accident and I hope I'll be fit. The MUTT needs an MOT in the interrim, but the serious question is now about me. I really hope I can make it, but at the moment I'm worried. The Mrs will be furious. :cry:
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