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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Does this mean you'll be carrying James back again? I'll have to join you this time. It's true, it is hard - but we can always photoshop you on. M
  2. Greetings, I hope once again to take a team photo and this year I might even post it on the forum. I will take your opinions and advice on the set up, but for those who missed it we gathered on the helicopter field early on Sunday morning at around 0830-0930 before the Jet Ranger came in for the day's dust off. We had a couple of representative vehicles rather than a fleet - the faces are more important. So, broadly speaking, I am happy to do the same this year. It helped last year to have me set up the snap and have a non-member do the clicking so I could be in it. This is not essential. We can work it out - but this post is a warning for the people who have been disappointed to miss previous smudges. IT IS ALWAYS EARLY ON SUNDAY MORNING. Not the best time, but the most opportune. I'd like to do a portrait snap of everyone as well sometime - with motor, cake, beer glass, lap dancer - it's your choice - you provide the props. It would be nice to build a record of us all and I'd like to take this to other events and get it done as a group by all of us as snappers/subjects. If it isn't your bag being snapped, no pressure. It's meant to be fun and is a social record of our magnificent group. All pics to be hung as 20x16 canvas prints in the member's long room above the ballroom and skittle alley at the clubhouse. MB:D
  3. Dodge WC63 Dingo Dingo Bren Carrier; Built 1944 Driver Barry Read, Crew Les Dash (front) and Bob O'Brien (back) Adrian Scott's Hotchkiss "Willys" Convoy Escort camera bus. M18 Gun Motor Carriage Sherman (Jim) Sherman (Adrian) Sherman (the good Doctor) M5 Stuart M8 Armoured car M1 Ward Lafrance wrecker (Tootallmike) Outriders:
  4. Welcome aboard to the Friendly Forum. Hope you find lots here to entertain you. Best wishes, Mark
  5. I've heard there may actually be some events involving the river with some classic boats. Wait and see. The river is fantastic but I think a paddle is about my limit. M
  6. Not sure I'd make it up that hill on the M20...but willing to give it a go!
  7. See you chaps there....looking forward to it as always. I'm doing Weds to Sunday on the snappers team. Have MUTT will travel.
  8. Cheers Gary, Come over to W & P and I'll take you for a spin.
  9. Insiginificant as it might be to some, while I spent nine weeks off work with a mangled leg the MOT and tax on my MUTT expired and I had to wait for a working leg. On one weekend I went to get her running and the clutch rod snapped! Whoop de effing doop. Step up Sirch who helped me source a replacement. The MUTT is now fixed, MOT'd and taxed and ready for the next phase of my mad existence. So thanks to Chris and the very kind member of HMVF who made the new rod for me. This is a small example of why this forum is top dog. Cheers! See you all at W & P. MB
  10. hAPPY BIRTHDAY JORIS! 21 again! You feel like 71 working with Jack......
  11. Jeep: Is that a Banksy or the work of a local artist? DUKW: Dunno, but while we're on - why have you got a golf umbrella stuffed up your 4rse?
  12. This helmet has quickly become a treasured possession. A gift from one friend made by another. How cool is that? Olaf is a very clever chap. Cheers!
  13. It would be interesting to see some photos...thanks for offering.
  14. After we'd sorted out our parking in Martinstown I was standing by the jeep when a man and his two sons appeared, agog. I looked at him and said "Resistance is useless".. and he just did that ever so English smiley shrug laugh. Understated. Perfect.
  15. As his scriptwriter I have to get my cut of the profit. In all seriousness we do have to the Liberation of Dorchester. I even thought of nicking the Marines at Iwo Jima type pic and put the Dorset flag on it...
  16. Agreed - Dave, you should get your own Plank. Jack will sort it. MB with thanks.
  17. Ah, so was that you with Jez? You were wearing a steel helmet not a tanker's helmet?
  18. Greetings snappers and scribes.... Some of you are already contributors to The Pathfinder magazine and I welcome your A & E snaps should you wish to send me any. I invite anyone to send me their pix if the idea suits. I took hundreds myself and have lots to use, but it is not the purpose of the magazine to fill it up with my photographs alone..it just doesn't do it for me. I like to have different perspectives and it's a simple truth I cannot have been everywhere at once. So, if you would like to send me pix that really stand out as your favourite moments (BigRedOne and co have some idea of what I mean - ie - the snaps YOU would like to see in print - the ones that matter to you) - PM me and I will give you me email address if you don't have it. If you would like to contribute comments/ impressions/stories - please do via the same route of a PM I can cut and paste. I welcome your input and hope we can do the event justice. All good wishes, Mark
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