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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Joris, Alpha beers all round once you've ditched the appendix. GET WELL SOON. mb
  2. Use margerine. It's composition causes less drag in flight and the toast will always land spread side up*. *Nine times out of ten on a dry day in the Brecon Beacons. Eight out of ten owners say their Jacks preferred it,
  3. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Hopefully someone from our happy band will help you find the path to true happiness.
  4. Hello Alec, welcome to the Friendly Forum. Mark
  5. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. I do hope you'll find a lot of help from the HMVF Brains Trust. Give my regards to Mr Robertshaw when you next see him Mark
  6. No probs Mike. Fully understood. I have a duty of care to cover all the bases and like to do it wearing the sort of oven gloves Jack should have bought himself for when he tries to cook like Sophie Dahl - rather than appear to be heavy handed.... MB
  7. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Lars. Good to have you with us. Mark
  8. A funny thing happened on the way to the forum....
  9. Evenin' all As I was invited, I am putting my size eights in the mix. If this thread appears to be going a little off topic and causing me to receive PMs from people anxious not to create tinder for potential disagreement or misunderstanding - can I suggest we let it go for now, please. Softly, softly M
  10. I can see an episode of Casualty just for Jack. Though I'm not sure how we swing it for a GMC to be dropped accidentally into the casualty department by a passing train/petrol tanker/ ice cream van/ nuclear powered submarine with attendant explosion/murder/angst Discuss.
  11. I can't post a Crown Copyright picture. But I can tell you the new uniform is similar to the one on the right in the snap in Pete's post below. It does have the black bits - like a curry fueled pigeon has dusted off over you. M
  12. Maybe you should use one of those Gorilla Grips to extract your Hovis.
  13. The best one I can give you comes from someone who will read this and laugh as we look back to 1993. Don't put chicken nuggets in your pocket. They'll get fluffy. I thank you.
  14. Hard to say. The top batch of the pre-war MVs and odd pix from WW2 could be official pix (or some might be manufacturers promo types) in which case these are allegedly in the public domain. The bottom batch showing the half-track AA guns look like personal photos. In which case it is difficult to say who the copyright resides with. If you buy a box of old personal prints at a boot fair it doesn't make the copyright yours. Murk.
  15. What a shame. These places do turn up the odd gem. I never find them, though. I leave it to jammy buggers like my pal 'George Formby' in Kendal. Turned out nice again, in't it! Nuff said. We are running the forum tonight - so come and get your cakes from the staff room. MB
  16. I'm not the Techy Mod. So I will make this one known to Joris and Lee ASAP. It's best to have extra eyes on it. MB
  17. Good stuff, Brian. Great service - just what this forum is all about. Thanks.
  18. Congratulations. What a little gem. Mine are 17 and 14 now and a former boss of mine once told me they just get to a 'useful age' then they leave you. Sound advice. The 14 year old is useful (great cake baking etc) but the 17 year old is usually a drain on my finances and chauffering time. God love him! All this may end once he leaves education for gainful employment. Party on!
  19. Snapper


    There are a couple of owners on here, still. I sold mine to Rick who sold it on when he'd done with it. Always interested to see them on here and one day - when I am rich, I'd like to have another. But not for some time....MB
  20. Nice find...well saved, Bernard!
  21. I'm just interested to read all opinions, whatever the stance. So keep them coming please. Enquiries about editorial matters of TPM should be PMd to me please. I leave the commerce to Jack.
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