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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Spood. Did we meet? How mad is it, there are loads of HMVF people I never said 'hi' to.... Stretcher boy was on good form as his snaps show....
  2. Fantastic. I was too tired to do this sort of snapping - bar the odd shot. I haven't seen my pix yet. Hope to start tonight.
  3. I think we came closer to perfection with a military event than I could have imagined. I am still grinning and as the train rattled into London at 0745 this morning I was still in a daze. I got home yesterday evening and was a bit like the walking dead. I am reminded so much of that old Leslie Thomas classic The Dearest and the Best. Jack, you pulled it off, mate. I know there were doubters and I know what it has cost you in every sense. But you did it. Your work is done. I've got to be honest and say something inside me hopes this was a 'one off' and although this might upset those who missed it, I'm sure you'll agree that sometimes truly unique events need to be kept that way. I've never done Tanks in Town, but I hear tell that some people who know this event say A & E surpassed it. Just the notion is enough to illustrate the power of what we experienced. The rush from rumbling an armoured column into an English county town to the jaw dropping bewilderment of the population will stay with me forever. So to all our friends on HMVF, old and new, to every one else - but most of all to Jack, Kevin, the incomparable David Ives, Jeremy, Adrian and John piloting our escort/camera jeep, the DRs, Bodge, Roxie and the WLF superkings, I say thank you for the joy of it all. We liberated Dorchester...and no one can take that from us...ever. MB
  4. Are you the same Rob who led the restoration of the command M3 Ole Reliable? You're in a good place out there nonetheless - I was out there last summer visiting friends and family. Welcome to the friendly forum.... Mark
  5. In the next update he's going to tell us there aren't actually any tanks...
  6. You will be missed. Some will get pissed.
  7. Blimey, another mission for our Tim and his clan.
  8. Have you convinced him to do his bus as one in Great War service? Please, please, please. No need for another red one going to Old Ford or Hammersmith - lovely as they are....
  9. It is definitely Belgian - the ribbon is red with a yellow and black border. I think it an Albert Medal as well. MB
  10. Looks like Friday evening for me. Quit London around 1430 on to M25 some time before bonfire night and away we go. Have you got a press pack for me Jack or shall I write my own on the McDonalds french fries carton I pick up on the way down?
  11. Someone said you were not so much in the Sherman as wearing it.
  12. TPM team Bodge and MB - definitely. Trying to confirm other two miscreants now. Simon Thomson and Dave Ahl coming from other press mafia happy to pay for breakfast on saturday morning if acceptable (and applicable) to you Dave. MB
  13. Welcome aboard Charlie 1 - this is the Friendly Forum. Yep, I never saw MVs in London (other than Royal Navy lorries) so model kits were the order of the day. I can remember sprinting down Green Lanes to the toy shop near Haringey dog track to get the new Panzer IV kit. Blimey, what year was that? My favourite will always be the 88mm and half-track. I got my first one from Woolworths in Stoke Newington in about 1971. Happy days....
  14. Someone's igniting their farts again....
  15. Snapper


    OK - time to take the foot off the gas of this one, methinks.
  16. Hopefully someone can on and give us the facts on that possibility ASAP. mb
  17. Snapper


    This won't please you. My son James' ATC band were at a veterans church service today and were due to follow it with a performance at the Naval & Military Club in Southend. While they were at the church service someone slipped into the church and stole all their brass instruments. Five trumpets gone. No comment required. MB
  18. Snapper

    BSA M20

    Ouch. Really sorry, Mike. Nuff said. MB
  19. I need building up after my long period of convalescence
  20. Lovely news. Congratulations and best wishes.... MB
  21. My sincere condolences, Clive. Keep your big end up. Mark
  22. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Annie. The internet can be a wonderful place. Best wishes, Mark
  23. Welcome to the Friendly Forum... perhaps you could use your dozer to sort out the polo field behind the clubhouse for us? Ta Mark
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