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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Jack will sort all this out in due course
  2. Glutton for punishment! Happy days! Good luck matey.
  3. I have been close to the issue of funding production of The Pathfinder up til now and I know it has been a great burden on Jack. We have had disagreements about aspects of how the magazine works and we continue to debate in a very robust manner. Funding HMVF is a wholly different initiative and I actually think Jack's suggestion dovetails in a handy way. The idea of subscribing to the mag to support the forum works. I don't think for one moment the idea will suit everyone and why should it? But you can take this from me with total sincerity - it it not a cynical marketing ploy. I can see how it might be construed to be so and this is an open place to discuss stuff. But I don't want you chaps to fall out over it at all. I've worked my nuts off on the magazine as a separate arm of HMVF - and I have and will continue to request the support of the HMVF family to procure a chunk of the content and feel sure it will be worth your time. The cornerstone of all our work has been Bodge, our designer. He has worked wonders and we have built a team spirit that gives Jack a kicking when we see fit....he sometimes has to beat himself up to save us the effort. I didn't set out to be at the helm of a club magazine and TPM, as we call it, will not be one while I am involved. I've done that job before for a motor sports organisation and it was a right royal pain in the ar5e. What you will get is an honest all inclusive product. I still have work to do and take my responsibilities deadly seriously. Mistakes have been made and lessons learned - the buck stops with me. With your support HMVF can continue to grow in it's wonderfully independent way and The Pathfinder might just find the place I know it deserves. So, friends, I'm doing the marketing this time. You are asked to support HMVF above all else. How you do that is entirely your choice and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's why we're here. The club house remains a hologram in our very odd minds. Keep the lounge tidy please. MB
  4. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Lynn. Good to have you with us.
  5. Hi there Troy... Ed Tozeland is a great guy and I know his Fox well from doing photo work with him. Good luck with the ownership. HMVF is the best place for keeping apace with Fox matters - we have a really experienced group of owners on the forum. Post some snaps of the old girl when she arrives in Taz. Best wishes, Mark
  6. Fantastic pictures of real life soldiering of that time. They are Box Brownie pix and it will be great if someone can give more info. I've seen a lot of images of chaps with these white hand bands marked as the old Militia which was still about in some form or another within the TA umbrella and I know zip about it. My late Dad was Royal Berkshire Regt TA from the spring of 1939 and his company photo shows the majority wearing 1937 BD with forage caps, but a few still in 1908/1914/1920 pattern kit. Pix to treasure, MB
  7. Welcome. I would suggest you contact people who use film cameras still - maybe via a local camera/photography club in your town to see if they can develop the film. The film will need great care to get it out of the container and then developing without fogging it. I would seal the container in a black plastic sack of some sort and keep it in a dark place until you can do this. The film will be brittle and you have to consider whether the chemicals will have deteriorated. It depends on what kind of film stock is in the camera - some can be very dangerous when exposed to the air and will catch fire like phospherous at worst, or just fizzle up. The chemicals may have gone enough for the film to remain blank. It might even not have been exposed. This is a major challenge. Do you not have a national film archive you could approach in your country to handle this for you? If the film survives into an exposed negative it will be a good thing, but you have to consider many issues - not least the safety aspect. But I would press on and get it done. If the film is blank you still have the stuff you excavated and an interesting story. Keep us informed please. Mark
  8. The sad thing is, I remember the article and thinking it would be impossible for a 13 year old to even try (still is now I'm 50). I remember the Airfix kit with great affection and the old mag was good too.
  9. You'll be carrying James again if he carries on like last year.
  10. It would be fantastic to learn more about the photographer(s) as well - for example are these pix done in an official capacity or done by someone recording his career - they look more like official pix to me in many cases. This is stunning stuff. MB
  11. Spot on.....I did snap it, but the position of the thing was not good and it was 2004.
  12. As an aside....isn't there the remains of an A10 at the Atlantic Fort Museum down from Boulogne? MB
  13. Great education. The stuff you learn on here is priceless. As for the bomb trollies - I'm sure you'll knock a couple together in time for your next show, Tony :-D
  14. Bodge. It's all he drinks. He says it makes him a sharper driver. I can endorse that! (as can several constabularies)
  15. Party on dude! See you soon in a field somewhere. Lee is providing the Thai me downs.
  16. You ingrate. North of the Thames is a wonderful place. We always used to moan about changing our money up when we crossed the bridge for forays down to the mean streets of Catford and Bromley to wind up the natives. Which is how I met my wife and how, if you read another thread, she has never admitted defeat. Some say revenge and others say it could only be thus. So none of your nonsense, peasant.
  17. You would :-D It would great next to your chessboard wouldn't it???
  18. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Jzimm. Have fun. MB
  19. Cool. Great looking motor. Tim will build us one while we wait...
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