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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. I was in Zonnebeke, Belgium on Saturday, where some very nice chaps from the Great War Society were part of a large gathering of Great War living history displays. I promised to post this snap..... :-D He'll know who he is....
  2. If I could walk I'd do a jig....not often I get it right without asking someone else....:nut:
  3. You just can't expect there to be a perfect balance between entertainment and education. Certainly not on Channel 4. It made a good effort, but the obvious restrictions impede on the whole concept. I would also think that the caravans of bombing survey teams fanning out across the Reich would have been well aware what they had done to German construction methods just as they would from visiting an a-z of British sites. It is still a nice idea and a different slant. A lot of people would be turned off by a procession of wrinkly cockney talking heads apples and pearsing it down the shelter and all that - before we even get to Coventry, Plymouth, Manchester...pick yer own... So I think they deserve credit for trying something different. But why does every bloody history show have to include Tony Robinson, the long haired Scottish bloke (who I prefer the most so much I can't remember his monicker) or Dan Snow? Yawn...
  4. Just for once I was thinking the same sort of intelligent thing as Richard....
  5. When did Roy Chubby Brown sign up to HMVF?
  6. Welcome to the Friendly Forum...it would be interesting to know what it is like operating these British classics in the USA. There is obviously a market for them! Cheers... Mark
  7. I didn't see the point to exploding the larger bomb without the casing. They either repeat the effects or not. I am also very interested in Andrew's points. I have to say, though, it was a good piece of television. Even Tony Robinson was muted. Pass the milk... MB
  8. Degsy, you are a star. The internet translators miss off the nuances of language which make them a little useless. I'll send you a PM with the two epitaphs asap. Many thanks, Mark
  9. Good to have you with us. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. There are many very experienced friends on this forum who will be able to give you a lot of sound advice. You have come to the right place. Looking forward to seeing some snaps of your fleet. Mark
  10. Great stuff...seeing these smaller less "sexy" events is really refreshing. Thank you.
  11. Greetings, I want to translate a couple of epitaphs of war graves which are written in Welsh, the good old digital translators get close, but they miss the nuances of the language, which I think miss biblical quotes etc. Here's hoping. MB
  12. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Must be fun running an MV show all by yourself...wait til Tony gets there...
  13. phwoaarrr, yeh.....too loud, man, too loud...
  14. That's a Volvo - comes in a couple of forms. Fantastic looking thing. I can't reach my books to confirm exact details at the moment.... MB
  15. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Sandy... Tell us a bit more about your re-enacting interests...
  16. I love mine to bits. It is the best purchase decision I've made in eons. I can't drive it at the moment due to a murder on the dancefloor - but I will be using it again soon. The MOT is imminent. Starting to plan a mv jaunt round the Somme battlefields in my head. MB
  17. Welcome to the Friendly Forum... Good to have you with us... Mark
  18. My view is that this all appears to be about keeping a treasured truck, which is more than just a mass of metal in Mark's heart, on the road. The sad realities of the economy, spares and much more have to be considered.Originality is always a casualty - sad, but true.. Mark had to make some hard choices. In the end this personal choice is about keeping a classic truck in use. I would welcome any of you chaps, who are experienced in these technical/practical matters doing an article on this subject for The Pathfinder. NOT as a criticism of anyone else by any means - not my agenda or yours - but exactly as Mark says - for the practical explanation. Any takers? Happy to discuss... MB
  19. Looks great. I'm jealous. It would make a nice display in my lounge. I could get rid of the telly.
  20. Nice one, Mark. Look forward to seeing her on the circuit. Easy to spot. Arthur will be impressed. M
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