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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Very interesting and worth keeping apace with.
  2. Sounds interesting - nice to have something looking a bit different...
  3. I think there are a couple on the apron at Southend for this weekend's airshow. I'll see if I can get some snaps..but I'm not too mobile so won't be down the seafront. MB
  4. I might find somewhere to stuff one of his Snickers bars if you're not careful (fool).
  5. How interesting.... good luck with it. MB
  6. Hi,Movoondude, and welcome to the Friendly Forum, You clearly have an interesting conundrum which your new mates on HMVF will do their best to solve. Why not post up some pix of your truck? In the meantime please use the introductions and welcomes board to say hello to the gang. Mark Moderators team.
  7. Yep..... I ain't gettin' on no cruise ship, fool!
  8. Fill yer boots. We don't care.
  9. Hi Robban, welcome to HMVF - the Friendly Forum. You have two of my favourite MVs there and happily I have a MUTT of my own, an M151A2. There are a few MUTT owners on the forum, but I don't think we've had a Suggan before - so you've started something... Mark
  10. I think you're right. It was there in 98 and 99 and has vanished off my radar ever since - but I bet Richard, Ted or Les know where it ended up. I agree with you, I'd love to see it with a proper trailer. Great idea. Finding either the tractor or trailer would be a mission methinks. Mark
  11. Very interesting. Thank you for posting the link. You may well be right...the publicity machines for the film industry move in myriad ways....
  12. I snapped this one at Beltring in 1999.
  13. Get in touch with either the Great War Society who are very serious living history people. Get on the Great War Forum - it's huge. There is also the Front Forum. Very useful - people who know their stuff. MB
  14. I'd save you some of my birthday cake, Dave; but it's all gone. Typical. Happy wotsits... M
  15. Nice to see what looks like an ugly extension to the rear body being removed. Great pics....Thanks a million.
  16. Mike, are you on a round the world jaunt. Not flying the world's favourite airline, then?
  17. Have a look at the board which covers this. The MVT have been very active in answering a lot of these issues. The UK has it's own regulation about permanently and temporarily exporting military equipment. Without getting involved in party politics, I think it likely that some of our regulations will be set aside to save on the beaurocracy. Someone will put me right. I thought the French were only touchy about weapons, not vehicles. Again, someone will put me right. MB
  18. Cheers Pete! I did....my son James and I drank all the beer.
  19. Does it take an officer's signal pad?
  20. Nice one, Keep us up to date with progress...I notice you don't post so often which doesn't mean you stay away, but don't be a stranger It's nice to keep up with something as interesting as a GaZ 67. Cheers MB
  21. Thanks one and all. 51 years young and starting to show it. I am still languishing at home with a dead ankle. No dancing and a summer of events gradually being cancelled. I might be back at work by June 2 but driving is a nightmare - I can't even work the brake pedal on the MUTT. I ran her up on Saturday and got her out of the garage to do a little tinkering and as an added present the clutch rod sheared. So now my able assistants and I will be dismantling the essentials and hunting replacements in time for W & P which is my target for return to action on foot and on tyres. Talk about gutted..the best layed plans of mice and men.... But hey, I've been busy getting other things done and today I'm out in the garden listening to the Stones and drinking tea. Perfection. All good wishes, MB
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