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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Don't think these are quite the same but may be worth a try. http://www.emlra.org/C&S%20Barrow%20index/clansman_cabling_and_handsets.htm Mike
  2. Welcome aboard. I have a 109 S3 FFR and a similar problem with the wife. Good to have another Land Rover. If we keep this up we may out number the Jeeps. Got any pics. Mike
  3. Mark This is even easier. Stick some black squares on and you have an airfield control jeep. Mike
  4. Don't forget we would need to relocate the spare wheel and get some fake barbed wire and then I think we will have cracked it.:cool2: Mike
  5. I know what you mean. Watched 633 Squadron on Sunday and saw the Land Rover so we should be OK as we all know that nothing in movies is inaccurate.:laugh: Our other option is to misbehave on the forum and have Jack put us on KP (peeling spuds in the cook house) Mike
  6. Not just one building eithe. Check this out for some impressive poctures which really show the scale of the buildings. I very much douby anything will get built on their scale again. http://www.trada.co.uk/techinfo/library/view/44DEFBCA-5137-4A65-8A3B-B07EBD2E56A4/Timber+frame+2000/index.html Mike
  7. If i rember correctly the hanger with the buildings inside is owned and operated by/for the BRE (Building Research Establishment). It gives them some where to test various buiding design concepts in a contro;;ed environment. I also rember that it was not just a house built inside but a 6 storey "office" building to test slab design principles. Mike
  8. Welcome Andy (jemima). It is all worth it and its could to see the record corrected and everybody happy. You are doing a good job with a very nice unique replica vehicle. So keep it up. Mike
  9. It is actually a genuine ex-mil Land Rover which he has turned into the snatch replica to raise awareness and funds for H4H. Mike
  10. When I went to Bournemouth (2 years ago) it was a 3 or 4 day event. We did the Saturday and it was really good weather and the place was packed. Saw the news on the Sunday (rain) and there was like 4 people. So would not surprise me if on the days nothing flew. Mike
  11. Hate to be the poor baggage handler at the airport who has to shift your luggage around when you go home. Mike
  12. So the bloke has built what he believes to be a replica of a snatch land rover. He is using it to help raise money for a worthwhile cause. All I can say is good on him. I totally agree magazines make mistakes, recently seen one refering to Sally B as a Lancaster. This is a far more obvious mistake than a Land Rover variation. I have one and I find the different types and dates confusing. The only thing I do say is that if his board does elude to it being a genuine snatch Land Rover why not contact him and point out the error. He may not actually realise that his signage is misleading people and as such is unintentional. He may not even be aware of the dates for a Snatch. I cannot comment on this as I have not seen it. From what I can work out genuine snatch Land Rovers are basically non existent in civilian hands and as such genuine parts are going to be even scarcer, so you have to make do and wait till parts come up or build them yourself. He has probably done what is within his capabilities and financial means. So unless you have served and used them you are not likely to know exactly how it should be, especially the smaller detailsd and internals as all you have to go by is photographs. So if you have a real problem how about actually contacting him (politely) at a show or via the EMLRA. Better still if you can offer him genuine practical advise on how to make his vehicle more real, offer it, he may well appreciate it. If he doesn't it is his loss and atleast you will have tried. Mike PS Destrction is easy, construction takes effort.
  13. Can't miss the next one. Start planning now Action list. 1. Buy appropriate MV.(how do I explain to wife?) 2. Make sure it is not common, so not a jeep. (makes Jack's decision to allow it easier) 3. Persuade the wife tents are fun. 4. Persuade Jack that Land Rovers took part in the D-day landing. They did exist in WW2 honest, i have seen them in films. All the above seems hard or impossible. Can I sign on as a foot soldier (come photographer) but please do mot make me walk the whole route. Mike
  14. Faraday cage. Isn't that the metal lattice frame you sit inside to protect yourself from lightning strikes. The cage can be struck amd it leaves you uncooked. Some how they neutralise the electric field and can be used to protect electrical equipment, so you could put a radio in one. Mike
  15. I think you will find that GMC incorporated Chevrolet some time in the past. So in reality they are the same beast with a different badge. Different brands used for different countries. Many examples of this. We had the Monaro under the Vauxhall badge, Austraila it war the Holden and USA Pontiac. In America they have Dodge and we get it as Chrysler. Mike
  16. mike65

    keep safe!

    Been nice up here in sunny Bucks today. Almost took the tilt of the Land Rover and going for a drive. Mo doubt get wet walking to worh tomorrow. Mike
  17. OK know about this from EMLRA thread. So for those without access here is a brief synopsis of the result (ftom knowledgeable source). Land Rover was a Stage 1 V8 full knock down "kit" sent to New Zealand for the military. After 10 years it and others were modified for use in Bosnia. THis included the double wheels and conversion to TDi. It would most likly have been painted UN white. Mike
  18. Not exactly seen but heard, could not get out of house quisk enough. 2 Rolls Royce aero engines very low, Assume they were the Spitfire and Hurricane on their way home after their Whithall flypast. Mike
  19. There is definitely something in this. They charge you £40-50 just to plug the computer in and say "Sorry there is no recorded fault code so there is nothing wrong with it sir" I know there is the alarm does not go off on a really hot sunny day for no reason, there is a fault. Their answer is start replacing extortionately priced parts untill it is cured. Luckily here in England we don't have too many really hot sunny days. Have you ever priced up you car in parts? Mike
  20. Welcome. You sound very much like me. Am into photography, like mv and planes, cars, bikes and all sorts. All become subject of photography. And yes planes must fly, vehicles must drive and boats must float, if they can do more than one even better. The folks on here just love photographs. Just post them and see what usefull and knowledgeble discussion evolves in the thread. You learn something new every day. MIke
  21. I don't thing tread pattern makes much difference in snow. Tyre width is the killer though. Todays trend id for nice wide tyres, look good but they lower the ground pressure. Skinny tyres increase pressure, therefore more traction in snow. Just look at rallying, Rally Finland (snow and ice) the tyres are remarkably narrow (ignore the studs). From experience and people I know the following are not good in snow or ice. BMW X5 (especially 4.8I sport), Porsche Cayenne and the bif Audi one. Whatever happens you will be stuck behind some idiot or unfortunate soul who is stuck. There is a remedy for this but you need to be able to move them out of the way. Only way I know of doing this with some speed and comfort is what Irefer to as the JCB GT. Mike
  22. Not much different from today's roads then Mike
  23. Looks like he has started converting to a SAS Pinkie only the spare wheel appears a bit small. Mike
  24. I bet you could get some bits if they wanted to let you. Don't need to be anything big, makers plates, wheel, instruments (assuming they are still in it). Sometimes I wonder if anybody (other than a small minority) are actually interested in preserving our recent history, unless it is something glamorous. Sadly don't have Richard Bransons number. At least he has been known to get a few things done. If I remember correctly he bailled Sally B out a few years back when EEC aviation insurance rule ment it would be grounded as it would have needed the same cover as a commercial airliner. Mike
  25. Just noticed, Is Sally B suffering a "friendly fire" incident? Mike
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