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Everything posted by mike65

  1. I belive that is some form of Fiat, can't remeber which. Italian Air Force colours. Could be totally wrong. Seem to rember one bring atound in the early 80's Mike
  2. HSSE regs would prevent you going on whilst asbestos is being removed. They are extremely rigid when it comes to asbestos during removal and rightly so. However once it has gone it should be left in a safe condition to allow the rest of the strip out to proceed by other specialist teams. At this stage you might be able to get onboard. He did not mention when the asbestos clear out was due to finish? Mike
  3. Not only would it look good next to a museum, you could actually turm it into a museum on its own. Good luck with obtaining some artifacts from it. Being as there is asbestos to strip out they will have to complete this pior to any other stripping out. Oil and fluids, wiring etc will most likly require full removal before it can be cut up. This will take sometime, no idea how long though. However you will still have to work quickly to be sure of acquiring anything. Did you get a chance to speak to any of the workforce? Mike
  4. Would appear from this site the LST HMS Stalker is currently being dismantled. http://www.transportbritain.co.uk/risklist.html Sadly looks like this one is a goner. However have found the registered address for Tipner Regen Co Ltd Plymouth City Airport Crownhill Plymouth Devon PL6 8BW Co House Reg No 4849860 Mike
  5. If I rember correctly you mentioned Shuttleworth Collection/Old Warden in amougther thread. They have an airshow on 5th September, in my opinion well worth a visit if you have an interest in old aircraft. For the aircraft fans thouth this clashes with the Battle of Britain show at Duxford and frankly the lure of 5 Hurricanes and 17 Spitfires would win for me. Whatever you chose and looking ath the other posts you are going to have a hard time deciding. Mike
  6. Been on the Planning Portal. Complete section on Tipner Redevelopment. Awaiting a decision at end of year on new motorwaY JUNCTION. Seems this is key to the development. http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/living/8781.html No clue to is actually behind the scheme as such. But some of the documents list some of the companies working on the scheme. There are also minutes from residenys meetings. Has names of local councillors who maybe worth contacting if you still want to pursue this one. http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/media/Tipner_Residents_Meeting_Minutes_19-05-10.pdf As you would expect this development has a big backing from Portsmouth City Council. Portsmouth would actially make a fitting home for a restored craft. Maybe get some locals on our side, especially if it can remain in Portsmouth. Mike
  7. That would sound about right to me aswell. As I work on the design consultancy side or the building industry I know there is very little happening development wise. Most developers are sitting on land untill they have signed up secure tenants prior to commiting any work. The LST has a scrap value, but it is not worth that to a developer, as they would have to pay for dismantling and removal. If you know the name of the company you can generally find their addres and management details on the internet. If it is being dismantled an removed it is probably under a sub-contract to company that specialise in this kind of work. How many are there likly to be? If this is the case that company will generally have rights to the material removed ie: the LST is theirs as long as they remove it in a certain time. Find this company (if it is happening) and they mayge in a position to help. Assuming that nothibng is happening, somebody in the area can probably assist here, the only real option is to secure funding, a relocation spot and a firm removal proposal. Once you have this you go and camp on the company's door step untill they see you. Apparently they are based at the site. http://www.tipner.co.uk/index.html Company set up specifically for the site. Now just need to find who is behind it. Were seeking comments on draft scheme inr June. Will see if I can dig anything else up Mike
  8. I do occassionally look at the front page, It was infact the first page I came across when I found the site/forum and do occassionally visit to see if it has changed. I do not have HMVF in my favourites on my PC (it is at work though), it is way above that and have set it as my home page. It is generally the first place I visit when I get home from work and want to unwind. Sometimes a brief visit on others the evening seems to disappear quite rapidly. Something about the forum is addictive. Mike
  9. Now those photos are food. I now know exactly what you are rebuilding right down to the oil leak in the last pidture. You sure have got your work cut out there. Good luck and look forward to seeing the progress. Mike PS: If you need an oil leak I have a Series Land Rover so you can have one of mine if you like as I have a few spare.
  10. mike65

    Hdt m1039

    Just been reviewing the 2010 HDT M1030 M2 bike. Quite an interesting beast. Has a diesel engine but is also capable of running on other fuels. Comes in all the colours you could possibly want, desert tan, military green and black (special order) http://www.hdtusa.com/vehicle-m1030-m2.php I know somebody will tell me it has been about in some form for a while, but it is a new one to me. Mike
  11. Never tried open ended ratched spanners before, had seen them though. The question is do they actually work as this has always put me off buying any. Has anybody actually tried some out? In anger on some nice old nuts? You can also quarantee they still will not fit that one elusive nut. Have a 1/2 inch spanner that was specially modified to undo the distributor nut on a 2.8 Capri so the timing could be adjusted. Magnet on string is usefull if you have an none magnetic car. Why are nuts/bolts so well camoflaged when you drop them? This always happens when you don't have a spare. I find a good supply of tea/coffee and cake is indispensible when working on anything. Requires a good wife/girlfriend/mother or whatever. Can work out to be very expensive. Mike
  12. This is the bit that is of interest. Is it like an MOT test and certificate? If you had a Stolly with a hiab on you could rig a sail. Rule about no oil leaks rules out making an amphibios Land Rover then, even if you can keep water out, I believe it is against the natural laws to stop them leaking oil. Mike
  13. They must be as good as me then, got dates confused and gor there early.:embarrassed: Mike
  14. The Land Rover also decided it needed the engine looking at. Oil levels were all Ok and it was running fine, including 5 miles with the back loaded with logs ready for the upcoming winter.Need to get them in early especially when they are free. Anyway decided to go to the airshow at Old Warden in the truck. 50-55ish on the M25/A1 running no problem. Even overtook a car:shocked: shortly before turning off. Anyway whilst in the queue to get in it started to misfire. Was still misfiring a bit when we left. dropped onto 3 fulltime on A1 so it went the rest of the way home on a recovery truck. Posted the problem on EMLRA forum (larger audience) as I like to use my problems to help others as well as seek assistance. Even if the main assistors are also on here in most cases. Anyway did compression tests and all the usual. The main problem turned out to be a spark plug. Noticed on second day of playing. It came apart when unbolting the shielded HT leads. New plugs and its running much better. However the compression tests ended up at 130-135 PSI. So the question was what head is fitted 7:1 or 8:1. Engine has a rebuild plate from 1989. Cylinder head turns out to be S2 7:1, from number (possibly modified) so still not sure. Block appears to be a Series 3 3 bearing diesel one going by the engine number. As it runs I have decided to add oil and petrol and keep on running for near future. An interesting little conundrum to look into. Could it bear a rare duak fuek/hybrid motor. Oh well back to doing the planned bits. Mike
  15. Have been doing a few more bits although not quite on my intended work list. The Land Rover has now started telling me what to do. Makes a change from the wife:-D. There I was having taken an old bed and mattress to the local tip (wife's orders) had just turned off the main road when there was yhis metallic bouncing noise in the road just behind me. Luckily Richard Head who was following about 2m behind up the hill had not followed me. One of the angles between the seat tubs and the rear side panels had fallen off. Now nicly restored and reditted and has some load staples bolted to it again. Had been removed by PO who fitted aluminum plates. Piccy for those who don't know what bit it is. Maybe that is the best way to restore a vehicle. As it falls off repair and refit. Somehow I don't think it is ideal. Mike
  16. Blackpool airshow. Isn't that kind of cheating, especially if you were attending. Mike
  17. Been looking on Google. Hawthorn Leslie was a merger of 2 compnaies (locomotives and ships) Would appear that they merged and diversified over the years (all according to Wimipedia) Locomotive section sold of in the 1930s and ship building merged with Swan Hunder and Vickers in the 1970s. In 1993 the company was subject to a take over by Vodafone, they had moved into phones by then (some divesification) Company kept going but not with ship building. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawthorn_Leslie_and_Company Could be chasing a dead end there, like with many of the old names. Mind you Vodafone have loads of money, just need a sympathetic person there. Mike
  18. IF this is going to happen it maybe worth speaking to those involved with Vulcan to The Skies (XH558). After all they have done and are doing something similar to what needs to be done. Hopefully they will be hepful enough to offer some guidance. If this gets pulled off will be having restoration holidays? I can scrape paint and rust as well as the next person and having a Land Rover know everything possible about leaks (except how to stop them) Is it going to be A&E 2019 - The Invasion? Mike
  19. Its probably one of those Internet Viruses you here about.:??? Hope we are not all at risk? Mike
  20. By all accounts there is loads of stuff stashed away on the other aide of the road aswell. Chap at work received his latest members newsletter yesterday. Nothing further in there. Mike
  21. You will find lifting it is not a big job. Just need to find a very big floating crane. Mike PS: When I mentioned in one of the A&E posts that the next one could involve an amphibious landing in France, I was not being serious.
  22. It was not just seeing the stolly swimming thread that prompted this. That was just a reminder and I also rember seeing a program on TV about the Lake District and the episode with the amphibious vehicles, many of which went for a swin in Windemere (I think). I believe it included a few MVs, including a Stolly. I then just got to wondering what rules/regulations may apply to amphibious MVs if you want to get their feet wet. Mike
  23. So it is closing! You are doing a deal to buy all the vehicles on the cheap and don't want the rest of us jumping in an pushing the price up! Mike
  24. Shuttleworth Collection is about 35 miles from Cambridge. Just off the A1 at Biggleswade. Wee worth a visit IMHO. http://www.shuttleworth.org/visitor-information.asp If you can try and get there on a flying day Mike
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