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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Wasn't the Lanc supoosed to be doing a flypast of Manchester to do with the Avro anniversary? Mike
  2. You forgot to mention a good selection of hammers. Agree chassis and bulkhead are the main worries with respect to corrosion. Chassis is realativly easy to check all you need is to tap it with something metal and if it is good you should get a nice metallic sound. Rusty areas or bodges just tend to give a dull thud. Give it a good going over especially around the cross members and suspension mounts. Fuel tanks are worth checking as these are a bit harder to source and/or expensive. If they do not contain or smell strongly of petrol it probably has not been used. Normally because it has a hole. (I know I have one) Most of the rest of it is how do you say basic. Brakes are not as bad as some people make out. mine stops quite nicely, now that I have fixed them. Parts are cheap even a new master cylinder came in at arond £70. If it still has the military headlights and bowls have a screwdriver in your pocket and check the adjusters turn. Military style bowls are not exactly cheap. If it has a spare on the bonnet lift it up and check the hidden sidewall. The crack in mine turned out to be deeper than the tread pattern. If ione is not leaking oil I would be surprised. On an FFR pay attention to the batteries, after all you will have atleast 2. Good luck and good hunting. You can also fin 110/90s at bargain prices if your willing to travel and are not inmpatient. Mike
  3. That looks remakably like a Zenith carb to me. After taking mine apart and reassembling numerous times over the past couple of weeks I think its image is pemanently engraved on the back of my eyes. Mike
  4. Link does not appear to work, just get blank page. Also got there just after 10am, did not bother with bunker, although extra cost would also have put me off. So for all those wanting pictures here are a few. Mike
  5. Nice pictures of what looked to be a really good show. I like the museum anyway so a fwe MVs thrown in can only help. Maybe one to put on the list for next year. Mike Notes to self Sdo not agree to go up to London for drinks with the wife without checking dates. Hopefully I will not have to plant another hedge next year either. Must get Land Rover working properly.
  6. Here are two obvious ones MASH Pork Chop Hill And a few more The Dessert Rats Von Ryans Espresso Frying Tiger and if you want to go back for extra helpings 30 Seconds over Tokyo Mike
  7. I suppose we better have Reach for the Pie The Fridge on the River Kwai MIke
  8. Your right there I am about to spent a while looking at this. Try the mishaps section. Theres an in flight picture ot a Tomcat with one wing swept forward and the other back. Bet that did nt handle very well. http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?161300-Military-Accidents-and-Mishaps
  9. The plan was to take my nephew, who has a slight Land Rover obsession, to Gaydon in the Series 3 109. However that broke down on saturday, atleast it did not wait till sunday. Left in extremely heavy rain, not good for breaking down or series wipers, come to think of it. Got there and it had atleas stopped raining but was still a little on the cold and windy side. So here a few piccy of some the ex-military Land Rovers that were there. Mike
  10. Looks like a North American Rockwell OV10 Bronco to me. Douby if it is still in active service, but stand to be corrected. Mike
  11. That one looks really useful for straight trees upto a certain diameter.. Mike
  12. I need to cut down a tree and as such was wondering if anybody can assist me with the tools of the trade. I need either one of these or better still one of these.:cool2::cool2: With toys like these gardening can be fun. Mike
  13. I think he should have put some mirrirs around the wheel and then he could have claimed to have invented the land speeder and then sued George Lucas for copyright infringement with Star Wars. The mono wheel is a very nice bit of engineering a but I think the V8 was overkill. Mike
  14. Used one of those in the past on various vehicles, very handy when you can get at the plugs. Not very good for VW beetles though. Apparently you can still buy them but depends on spark plug sizes. http://www.baconsdozen.co.uk/tools/Colortune.htm Halfords also list them on their website and theres bound to be one on ebay. Had a missfire on a 2.8 capri once, similar symptoms could get spark when plug was out but apparently not when installed. turned out it was sparking but would not ignite fuel. CAn't remeber exactly what cause was but seemed to be cured after a bit of fiddling and new plugs. Has anybody tries a colour tune on a 24volt Land Rove with shielded cables? Mike
  15. Mono cycles are well and but some people take it to extremes. Only in the US can somebody be mad enougth to put a V8 on a monowheel. The end demonstrates why you need the extra wheels. Mike
  16. I went to the Land Rover do at Gaydon, it was just as bad there. Outside temp on car maxed out at 8.5 degrees, ignores wind chill. Mike
  17. You can sell bows and arrows because they are of course non lethal. It appears that they are using an extremly broad brush. Based on the US ITAR regs. Ebay provides a link if you want to try reading it. Link to ebay rules http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/policies/firearms-weapons-knives.html Mike
  18. mike65

    1942 Ryan

    We have a couple of those doing the rounds over here. Probably the ones Spnater was starting. These pics were taken at Old Warden 5 July 2009 Mike
  19. Welcome You will learn something new on every visit, well I do. . So that is technically a Jaguar trailer then, SS Cars started out as Swallow Sidecars diversifying into cars as SS Cars Ltd. After WW2 they changed their name to Jaguar, something to do with marketing and the name being inappropriate. Mike
  20. Had to google it and I concur in fact that very picture is on page 21. http://public.fotki.com/kfnut/davis_mailbox_davis/page21.html Its a Del Boys jeep Mike
  21. What you mean they actually dig as well, I thought it was just for people who don't like ladders.
  22. Which wheel will give the best autograph? Is there a price range dependant upon which wheel is used? Will it come on a selection of backgrounds? Mike
  23. So your working on your MV and need that cup of tea. So you can now go to Spar and buy the real thing. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8614620.stm Could be just the thing as long as you have a Spar branch near you selling it. Mike
  24. This is a clip of Chinese Air Force J-10 fighters from the BBC. Thet claim they were totally developed and built in China. However I think they do bear a bit of similarity to the Eurofighter Typhoon. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/8617993.stm?ls Mike
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